Example sentences of "a [noun] that [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 That meant I was travelling a route that stretched from Darwin in northern Australia to Invercargill in southern New Zealand .
2 Walkers on the Three Peaks marathon usually start from Horton in Ribblesdale and do the journey anti-clockwise , visiting Penyghent , Whernside and Ingleborough in that order and returning to Horton from the last named by a route that approximates to a beeline .
3 Furthermore , two-earner couples enjoy greater allowances ( 2.6SA ) than single-earner couples ( 1.6SA ) , a provision that dates from the Second World War when there was a policy to encourage married women to work .
4 I do n't know about you fellahs , but I do n't like having a sister that looks like a tramp . ’
5 Although a number of writers suggest that a full-track bucket is always too large , they are talking of a bucket that has to be transferred as a whole into and out of main storage .
6 Or symbolically , if we let $ be the set of sentences in language L , C the set of possible contexts , P the set of propositions , and U the cartesian product of S x C — i.e. the set of possible combinations of members of S with members of C , and we let the corresponding lower case letters stand for elements or members of each of those sets ( i.e. s e S , c e C , p e P , u e U ) : ( 16 ) f(u) =p ( or:f ( s , c ) = p ) i.e. f is a function that assigns to utterances the propositions that express their full meaning in context Gazdar ( 1979a : 4-5 ) , on the other hand , wishes to capture the ways in which utterances change the context in which they are uttered ; he shows that Katz 's formulation is incompatible with that goal , and therefore suggests instead : ( 17 ) f(u) c ( or:f ( s , c ) c ) i.e. f is a function from utterances to contexts , namely the contexts brought about by each utterance ( or : f assigns to each sentence plus the context prior to its utterance , a second context caused by its utterance ) The idea here is that the shift from the context prior to an utterance to the context post utterance itself constitutes the communicational content of the utterance .
7 So I came in with an American-made guitar ( the T-60 ) in a case that retailed for 350 dollars at a time when a Les Paul was 1,000 dollars and a Stratocaster over 800 .
8 So I came in with an American-made guitar ( the T-60 ) in a case that retailed for 350 dollars at a time when a Les Paul was 1,000 dollars and a Stratocaster over 800 .
9 We report a case that alludes to a facilitating mechanism .
10 And while I , I was there last year , erm , there was er , a case that came to court , about a man who 'd installed a ceiling fan in his kitchen .
11 J. H. Eaton , a magistrate , declared : ‘ It almost goes without saying that there is hardly a case that comes before our courts , to which the natives are parties , in which this crime [ perjury ] is not more or less freely indulged . ’
12 The second-hand boat market is saturated ; yachts seem to drop in value to a level that lasts for decades , never entirely disappearing from the market .
13 We also have er a branch that deals with juvenile crime as well .
14 There is now evidence that the bulge is elongated in a direction that lies in the plane ; the Milky Way is a barred spiral galaxy .
15 Jay drifted through the dazzle to hold her , kissed her agonisingly soft hair , breathed her perfume , kissed her closed wet eyes with a tenderness that stabbed through her with a sword of fire .
16 However , the Convention eventually eschewed any notion of deposition , and settled on the view that James had abdicated , a decision that met with approval from Whigs as well as Tories .
17 In order to help accommodate the costs of the Navy 's new carrier , CVA 01 , and Polaris , and the RAF 's TSR 2 , such projects as the Army 's Blue Water artillery missile were cancelled in August 1962 ; and , despite the pressure on Army manpower , it was decided to run down the Gurkhas from 14,600 to 10,000 rather than cut any more British battalions — a decision that had to be reversed nine months later to meet the needs of the Borneo campaign .
18 ‘ It is a decision that has to be made by the International Cricket Council and , under their rules , I am basically not allowed to say anything , ’ he said .
19 And time and time again the planning officers , and Mr said , this is not the right form to do it , we are a planning authority and it is a decision that has to be taken by the service committee .
20 This is a decision that arises with videocassette machines because players are cheaper than recorders .
21 I was ready to chuck it all in after a decision that flew in the face of reason .
22 A thread that runs through all fairy tales , and is important for our own writing , is the element of change .
23 Personally I would be pleased to find a driver that works with any variety of the printer I had — after a life of driving everything as an Epson FX-80 that would be progress !
24 Edward Taylor has the subtlety to realise that comparisons with Christie and Conan Doyle are inevitable , so he 's steered a course that dips into the best of both camps , while creating a distinctive style of his own .
25 The result is a text that operates in the mode of potentiality .
26 There is a difficulty with Jenny , of a kind that came with the innocent of the previous novel .
27 by distracting the teachers from issues of the quality of delivery to administrative , bureaucratic issues , with priority given to meetings , form-filling and planning of a kind that fails to impact on the quality of the classroom .
28 These impressions are not of a kind that occur in our daily life .
29 Standing in front of them was an extremely old man with a beard that trailed on the ground and long flowing white hair .
30 The transfer of these women from general practitioner care to hospital care accounts for much of the apparent mortality advantage of general practitioner units , a finding that contrasts with Tew 's observations .
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