Example sentences of "a [noun] to [noun pl] of " in BNC.

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1 This leads him to see the growth of the wage-allowance scheme as a response to problems of unemployment and underemployment which , while they became more visible in years of high food prices , were inherent in social and economic changes taking place in the Speenhamland counties .
2 Perhaps the real purpose is then a response to fears of a Leviathan in local government .
3 The aggressive , destructive behaviour that is often seen in hyperkinetics usually develops later than the other symptoms , and may be largely a response to feelings of frustration that stem from the other symptoms .
4 However , this attitude can also represent a response to feelings of rejection by his wife who now has other things to occupy her , or an unwillingness to play a full part in the parental role .
5 The decree was in part a response to months of student protest against the court ruling , some of the strongest of which had occurred in November 1989 .
6 The Supreme Court on Dec. 7 dealt a blow to supporters of the right to an abortion by refusing to review a Mississippi law which required women to obtain counselling and then to wait 24 hours before terminating a pregnancy .
7 And please help our vital campaigns by sending a donation to Friends of the Earth .
8 The Garden , under its Director Professor D.S. Ingram , specialises in taxonomic botany , which serves as a backbone to studies of biodiversity , biotechnology , and applied botanical research , as well as to plant physiology , genetics and many other plant-based sciences .
9 I exorcized the mental terror by talking about it , using the experience as a demonstration to students of the mental attitude one must try to adopt on an excavation .
10 PRESTO puppeteers are giving a demonstration to children of manipulation and puppet making at Winsford Community Arts Centre at 10am tomorrow .
11 This filter has proved a boom to keepers of sensitive fish by keeping nitrate levels under control but its operation needs to be constantly monitored .
12 The profit attributable to ordinary shareholders amounted to 524 million which , after dividends of 237 million , resulted in a transfer to reserves of 287 million .
13 Among the solutions proposed at the conference were increased emphasis on sustainable logging and the production of finished wood products , a halt to exports of raw logs , retraining loggers and employing them on repairing damaged forests and rivers .
14 He had been a successful stage actor in high school and college , a pioneer in the young radio business , a journeyman screen performer , a television personality , a speechmaker to audiences of all description , author of a syndicated newspaper column . ’
15 It is a help to members of the media if they know the responsibility of the contact ( eg organiser , development officer , secretary etc ) .
16 Under this settlement , subject to approval by the courts in the UK , Luxembourg and the Cayman Islands and by 70 per cent of the creditors involved , those shareholders — the Ruler and authorities of Abu Dhabi — would ( i ) make a payment of $1,700 million ( adjustable up or down by $500 million ) to make possible a return to creditors of between 30 and 40 per cent ; and ( ii ) assume responsibility for certain liabilities of BCCI branches in the United Arab Emirates .
17 Although , as he points out , ‘ it really is n't new at all , just a return to traditions of healing that have been accepted for millenniums ’ .
18 They noted that " inflation expectations had eased considerably and , with the exception of some countries [ reportedly a reference to threats of industrial action in Germany ] wage and price pressures have been declining markedly . "
19 The reference to ‘ the Principles ’ is a reference to statements of principle issued by S.I.B .
20 In a reference to events of the late seventeenth century he asked , " What are the names of the two most foolish kings of Poland ?
21 Except in relation to advertisements to which the deemed consent procedure applies , a local authority can serve a discontinuance order when it is satisfied that removal is necessary ‘ to remedy a substantial injury to the amenity of the locality or a danger to members of the public ’ .
22 Love is … a danger to morals of Czech youth
23 By the sixteenth century , no longer assuming that it had a right to positions of leadership in the armies , the aristocracy began to attend military academies where it learned the art of making war .
24 As the structure is not a single crystal , the sizes found vary from somewhat greater than a crystallite to diameters of a few millimetres .
25 Artegall 's subduing of Ireland is a conclusion to acts of masculine orderly restoration which the book as a whole deals with .
26 On the one hand for environmental reasons , for their environmental reasons I should say , and on the other hand so as not to come as a nuisance to residents of existing communities .
27 The accession of the new king , William IV , in June 1830 brought some slight relief , mainly because it was widely believed that His Majesty favoured the destruction of machinery and the payment of 2 shillings a day to men of the labouring classes .
28 He was a devoted family man , and a friend to men of all religious creeds and political persuasions .
29 I would suggest that the government would be a lot , lot better adding a ticket to amounts of money , which said ‘ You either spend this money on implementing the Food Safety Act , or you do n't get it . ’
30 The shift of Amis 's mind , thoughtful and unphilosophical as it is , has been broadly a pattern to others of his age .
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