Example sentences of "a [noun] and be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 More complex queries requiring ‘ and ’ and/or ‘ or ’ can be described such as ‘ Is there a lecturer who has a PhD and is in the Business Department ? ’ .
2 But Wilson had been immeasurably kind to him , found a place for a very square peg in his government and , in 1967 , when he no longer had room in his government for Wigg , created him a peer and was at pains to find him a suitable job as chairman of the Horserace Betting Levy Board .
3 Drumnasole is another pretty , secondary glen with a waterfall and is within easy walking distance .
4 It happened that I was called back to the farm on the following Thursday to " cleanse " a cow and was in the byre when Dodson the drover called to pick up Blossom .
5 The church of All Saints stands in a hollow and is of great historic interest , dating from the 12th century .
6 Moodie led from the start and never looked like being caught even though late in the race Joey Dunlop put in a spurt and was in second place with one lap to go .
7 Man is a primate and is at the top of the range of species , followed by gorillas , orang-utans and chimpanzees ; tarsiers and lemurs represent the lower end of development .
8 Illmitz is such a village and is in the heart of the Seewinkel area , providing an ideal base for our course .
9 She lapsed into a coma and was on a life support machine .
10 But Making Out highlights how important it is for women to have a job and be with other women workers — often in very crummy circumstances , but actually being very resilient with a lot of humour and girl talk .
11 A couple of minutes later I hailed a cab and was on my way to Heathrow .
12 She took a cab and was in the City just after ten .
13 Although they met several times a day and were on good terms , the chief superintendent always felt uncomfortable in the commander 's presence : he was an earnest , church-going man who never laughed , never drank , never swore and rarely showed emotion .
14 However , if you do not currently receive a rebate and are on a low income , please apply to the Council now .
15 On the Friday evening , their last night , I came downstairs after a bath and was on my way to the kitchen to get supper when , in glancing out of the windows at the front , it seemed that a dense fog had developed .
16 We worked a wee half a week and were on the dole , Monday , Tuesday and Wednesday we 'd be on the dole , then work Thursday , Friday and Saturday morning .
17 Early on Tuesday morning , Ruth took a train and was in the Gentlemen 's Outfitting department at Gamages soon after the store opened .
18 Axil , which introduced other Sparc compatibles earlier on , says in has been shipping hundreds of units a month and is on the verge of moving to a thousand .
19 I consider that they are cases where payments were made to close a transaction and are to be treated as cases of voluntary payments .
20 In a letter for publication , Williamson had drawn attention to the fact that he drove a Jaguar and was for some time after known to the Gadfly column as ‘ Jaguar Man . ’
21 Finally we climbed a bank and were on the road again , the smoothness of it lulling me into such a deep sleep that I never saw the barrier at the railway crossing , did not even hear them telling Ward the Jequetepeque had broken its banks a little further on .
22 I said what would I like to say , disgusted with the way he 's been treated , I said my father left intensive care at one o'clock on Friday , we was told he was gon na leave there at four o'clock to go home and have a meal and be with him when he went on the ward , when we came back , he 'd been moved , he 'd gone on the ward , he was plonked in the chair , his catheter was on his lap , it had leaked all over him , his dressing was hanging off and seeping with green stuff the wound on his leg was run all down over his foot , he 'd got no cover on his seat so he could see , Dave said they looked and they did n't look very bloody nice
23 ‘ Some weeks we will simply get a bottle of wine ; have a meal and be in bed by 8.30pm watching a film .
24 McMillan was kept in hospital overnight as a precaution and was in a great deal of pain with his dislocated shoulder , plus the cuts and bruises he had to suffer .
25 I 'll take a shower and be with you in twenty minutes — I trust you 've had plenty of experience in this sort of thing ? ’
26 If it is not , then they are asked to leave for a year and are in a state of limbo , unable to play on the Tour and unable to play in amateur events . ’
27 There will hardly be need for words once their eyes meet because Wright knows he has a problem and is in the wrong .
28 I was really enjoying my new status as a mother and being at home and caring for Danielle and watching her grow and learn was all I wanted to do for the rest of my life .
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