Example sentences of "a [noun] because it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It is a necessity because it provides the opportunity for reflection on how well you have carried out various tasks and whether there are better ways of doing things .
2 The reason for this is interesting , and worth a digression because it provides a good genetic analogy .
3 13 This shape is called a hexagon because it has six sides .
4 Thank you and all the other rhymesters , including those who thought that kettle is a watch because it rhymes with metal !
5 Presumably , Hongkong is not a buyer because it wants to offer shares rather than cash .
6 It 's a favourite because it reminds me of the most exciting part of political campaigning : the roadshow .
7 It is a neuter because it has the diminutive ending -chen , though in modern German it has replaced the non-diminutive ( feminine ) form die Magd .
8 The atomic theory thus came by the 1860s to have two functions : it might be a fundamental theory of matter , about which it was appropriate to argue in a very general way ; or it might be a teaching aid , helpful to students who learned it as a dogma because it made sense of a great number of facts .
9 This garden ( protected from the road on one side by huge , untidy gum trees , in a permanent state of reptilian slough , leaving the discarded bark hanging from the newly emerged , silvery trunks ) has for me so powerful a charm because it returns me to my childhood , with a complete collection of odours , insects , fragrances , ponds and over-vigorous plants .
10 And really , Sizewell B is really a reprovation because it gives you an idea what the technology 's like and how we 're on top of that new technology itself .
11 Legend has it that it was once fired on by a warship because it failed to reply to a signal !
12 It is called a sinker because it sinks beneath you when you are stationary .
13 Indeed , he cut from his published version his original account of the hospitality they experienced — a pity because it constituted a valuable little sliver of social history , describing their arrival in ‘ a low parlour ’ of this two-storeyed house , to be greeted with tea from a silver service .
14 He had found that even in Britain , where officials tended to be dismissive of the idea of a plan , people from private industry were receptive when he explained the Netherlands ' plan at a meeting : ‘ They said , ‘ Yes , we should like such a plan because it reduces our uncertainty .
15 And I 'd like to bet there 's quite a few of the blokes down there ’ — she jerked her head to the side — ‘ look upon this war as a godsend because it 's given them a legitimate excuse to leave their shanties .
16 Some leaders spoke out against the new trend ; in a paper on preaching delivered at a Free Church Council meeting the quixotic Joseph Parker defended congregational applause during a sermon because it encouraged the preacher and allowed the Holy Spirit to work through the listeners .
17 However , there is an equally wide body of opinion , expressed mainly by manufacturing industries , which oppose such a move because it believes that it would disrupt the long period of uninterrupted production between the August holiday and the Christmas break .
18 This reflexivity , what Woolgar more accurately calls benign introspection ( p. 22 ) , is thus a virtue rather than a limitation because it provides some of the necessary contextual background to help evaluate the study .
19 In drama magic is both blessing and a curse ; a blessing because it creates a wonderful control device , and because it can be very stimulating to the imagination ; a curse because children can — and often do — use it as a way of saying " This is not a problem " , using magic to get them out of seeking a solution .
20 To ‘ off-comed 'uns ’ it is not even a large village , with only 2,080 inhabitants , but to the native it is a town because it has held a market charter since 1223 and although no market has been held for many years , the charter was read once a year in the market place until 1939 .
21 Thus we 've never considered it right to hand out cheques on a mere whim , deciding to sponsor a project , or support a charity because it happened to be the flavour of the month , or because a director had some some particular keen interest in it .
22 A common problem is a clash between two people modifying modules ; that is , one person is unable to activate a DC because it refers to a module which is also part of a DC activated by someone else on another package .
23 He submitted that the order itself had made a compromise because it contained the words ‘ counterclaim withdrawn ’ and because it dealt with the rent so that the plaintiffs had no further claim in respect of it .
24 ‘ At first I thought I 'd hooked a tree because it felt so solid .
25 It says if you 've got an opportunity of escaping , you might as well assault a policeman because it makes no difference at the end of the day .
26 A c.c.d. delay line provides a delay because it takes a certain amount of time for each input sample to be passed along the chain of capacitors and to finally emerge at the output .
27 In the following example , by contrast , afterwards is considered a conjunction because it establishes a link between two sentences :
28 She believes that the emancipation of Soviet women after the 1917 Revolution was a catastrophe because it distorted their feminine psyche and behaviour .
29 The bourbon shrub rose ‘ Zéphirine Drouhin ’ is widely grown as a climber because it produces scented pink flowers and its lack of thorns makes pruning easier .
30 Never ever wanted a puppy because it makes them a captive person
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