Example sentences of "a [noun] into which the " in BNC.

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1 No one was under any illusion that Margaret Thatcher was in the business of building expensive prestige projects — a category into which the Channel Tunnel was wrongly put .
2 During mating the female holds her pelvic fins together to form a pouch into which the eggs are laid .
3 Port Arthur ( Lushun ) , at the tip of the Liaodong Peninsula , held out until early 1905 , after eight months of a siege into which the Japanese threw everything they had .
4 Below the front windows the box extension was divided into two sections : on the left were storage compartments , and on the right a recess into which the Emperor was able to stretch to sleep while travelling .
5 Even now , a former Member of this House leads the European peace efforts in Yugoslavia , a conflict into which the European Community has been drawn because of its geographical position and economic strength .
6 The public works department , a heroic collection of people with strange provincial accents and manners , had a mould into which the mud was poured and then pressed from above .
7 The book creates the impression that accounts are a jungle into which the untutored layman should not venture without good rations and a reliable guide .
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