Example sentences of "a [noun] [to-vb] [prep] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 At least there 's no awkward questions asked , no needing to bother with insurance , does mean there 's a bit to add to her measly SS giro every week .
2 Look forward to you erm making a decision to come with us but er that 's in your hands .
3 This awareness of the changing world , and the ability of a consultancy to react to it and prepare for it , separates the most professional public relations practitioners from those who merely regard public relations as getting or suppressing publicity .
4 This tells us two things : there is a conception of what amounts to trust wording ; but there is a willingness to depart from it in certain circumstances .
5 ‘ It came down to a willingness to pay for it . ’
6 For him this was challenging enough , and if he had needed a faith to live by it would have been starkly sufficient .
7 What I needed was a board to go with it .
8 When you look back , when you look back you see , erm , understand that after nineteen twenty six , at the local pits , if you if you took a watch , if you took a watch to work with you , so that you 're in a position to know the time , and tell the other people what the time was , you see , you were running the serious risk of losing your job .
9 She cares for them so much , that she even sold her home to help set up a sanctuary to look after them .
10 St Ambrose accordingly wrote a prayer to guard against them : Procul recedent somnia Let dreams and nocturnal Et noctium phantasmata Phantasies depart far away , Hostemque nostrum comprime , And suppress our enemy Ne polluantur corpora .
11 I remember mum saying that I must not let anyone near the suitcases or accept a parcel to take with me and post it when I got to our destination .
12 Sheffield Wednesday recognised his talent and he signed a contract to play for it .
13 Everyone has a story to tell about him .
14 I think , a lot of people see the stray dogs problem as a big problem , certainly if people have decided to partake of pets , they have a responsibility to look after them and not throw them out on the streets .
15 Ladies and gentlemen , it was a privilege to speak to you today .
16 It simply shows that he wo n't adapt — and this again is very unusual — to the demands of different people or circumstances , that he wo n't say what some journalist thinks he should say , that Roger and Kris are wonderful and lovely and it would be a privilege to run with them .
17 coming round to see me I suppose she does n't want anything to eat cos she brought a sandwich with her from work , she took a sandwich to work with her hello you , nearly food time , have you smelt something to eat Ricky ?
18 And yet he had promised Skelton he would look at some land around Loweswater , and announced that he was so taken with the district he had a mind to settle in it — a statement which brought Miss Skelton to a blush-brink of applause .
19 Beth had a mind to go after him , but then Cissie called out , ‘ I 'm cold , and my hair 's dripping all over the place .
20 The need for a ‘ god ’ in some universally acceptable form , and a religion to go with it , forces its way into the human conscience inexorably .
21 Do you want a new washing bag and a salon to take with you or are you not bothered ?
22 And sometimes that means sending a drawing out getting a contractor to price for it rather than him doing it , er using standard books and goodness knows else like Sponds .
23 ‘ It is always a pleasure to talk to you , but I must not detain you .
24 It was a pleasure to walk through it , to see differently arranged buildings , different sentry 's towers , a different stretch of wire and a road running in a different direction beyond it .
25 It is a pleasure to walk through it .
26 They are always cheerful and it is a pleasure to work with them . ’
27 A pleasure to work with you . ’
28 He was the only father you 've ever known , so it is n't a crime to refer to him that way !
29 ‘ It 's a luxury to talk to you , Doris . ’
30 I have n't a defender to deal with him . ’
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