Example sentences of "a [noun] [vb pp] at [n mass] " in BNC.

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1 The construction of the Gilmerton Bypass was undertaken by Miller Construction Ltd under the terms of a contract valued at £11.6 million and supervised by the staff of the Department of Highways with the Director of Highways being the Engineer for the Works .
2 This was amended to $100bn in a 1987 revision of the law , and now the Congressional Budget Office , which keeps track of such things , tells us that this too will be overshot , resulting in a deficit estimated at $117.8bn .
3 As an example , a capacitor rated at 16V will invariably not operate safely in a circuit which specifies a component rated at 35V .
4 If a ring valued at £350 is stolen , there is cover under both policies but the maximum payable is £300 , assuming that a £50 excess applies .
5 Mountain View , California-based , Clarity Software Inc , has cut a porting and distribution agreement with Sumisho Electronics Systems Inc in Japan , a deal valued at $500,000 in its first year : Sumisho , an affiliate of Sumitomo Corp , the giant trading company , will help Clarity translate Rapport — its Unix office automation software — into Japanese , then sell it locally .
6 As an example , a capacitor rated at 16V will invariably not operate safely in a circuit which specifies a component rated at 35V .
7 A car valued at £700 was sold by bailiffs at auction , without a reserve , for only £20 .
8 So how do a young couple like Geoffrey and Elaine Springer , with three children under 10 , come to be living in that exclusive locality … in a home valued at £800,000 ?
9 Three children 's bikes , worth £75 and a skateboard valued at £90 were taken from a garden on Proudfoot Drive , Bishop Auckland , on Saturday .
10 The RAC is also in on the act , offering members its Emergency Telephone , a cellphone priced at £199 , inclusive of connection , and with a 55p peak rate charge .
11 If a mains transformer has a secondary rated at 9V , 100mA , does this refer to the a.c. output or the d.c. after rectification ?
12 As an example , assuming that Neal 's transceiver uses an 8.4V d.c. supply , a Zener rated at 7.5V would be quite satisfactory .
13 This shows the projection on a plane tilted at 45° downstream ( cf.
14 They expect to release a version priced at £50 during 1992 .
15 Their haul included a painting valued at £7,500 dated from between 1680–1720 .
16 AMERICAN retailer Sam Walton , who drove a battered pick-up truck to work all his life despite owning a fortune estimated at $24 billion , has died of cancer aged 74 .
17 Sir Hector Laing is chairman of United Biscuits ( Holdings ) plc , a company capitalised at £1.4 bn that employs thirty thousand people and produces five billion food packets every year — the equivalent to one for every person on earth .
18 Mr Fallon said a family renting a house valued at £25,000 , and entitled to the maximum price discount of 40pc because they had lived there for some years , could have a mortgage of £10,000 .
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