Example sentences of "a [noun] [prep] [noun pl] away " in BNC.

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1 The poverty of many applicants , pressure to clear hospital beds , and the cost of the provision of good quality residential care led to a change in priorities away from ‘ choice ’ to ‘ needs ’ ( Sinclair , 1988b ) .
2 Before you throw away the plastic strap which holds a four-pack of cans away , snip each ring the straps can end up in ponds and rivers , where they catch around the legs of waterfowl and wildlife , with potentially lethal consequences .
3 In the USA and to a limited extent in Britain , the availability of subsidies for nursing home care has encouraged a transfer of patients away from the long-stay institutions , and thus the more advanced pace of rundown in those two countries .
4 Billie had been roughly bundled by a group of storm-troopers away from the burning car and into the Dresden Heide .
5 For schools to exploit fully the potential of enhanced staffing after a century of working on the basis of n class teachers plus the head , they needed the imagination to conceive of alternatives ; a shift in attitudes away from the entrenched belief in the inviolability and supremacy of the traditional twin roles of head and class teacher ; and the will to enact such alternatives and live with the discomfort which the changing of professional roles inevitably generates .
6 Down below me the surf thrashed and thundered : the Tonga Trench , a precipitous crack in the ocean floor where two of the planet 's great tectonic plates crunched together and were folded downwards to melt again , lay a score of miles away .
7 The rest of the party was just a flight of stairs away , in the room off the main hall .
8 ‘ They were very close to the blast , just a matter of feet away , ’ said Mr Glover .
9 The very notion , now that she was sitting just a matter of inches away from him , was ludicrous .
10 He was sitting just a matter of inches away , when he moved to reach for a coffee-cup she caught the smell of freshly washed hair , and her fingers itched with the memory of tangling themselves in those jet-black waves .
11 They were only a matter of metres away but , due to the insulation which separated every portion of dock superstructure — a provision designed as a safeguard against just the kind of occurrence which had threatened Rostov — both had been safe from danger .
12 The Tropic of Capricorn was a matter of days away and the ice raft was almost gone .
13 The other , even more revealing letter , was written early in 1945 , after Walter had spent part of a long leave with Viola and the children ( now alone , with divorce a matter of months away ) in their London flat .
14 According to US intelligence reports North Korea was only a matter of months away from acquiring nuclear weapons capability .
15 Housed in their decaying Easter Road ground , ironically a matter of yards away from Meadowbank 's Commonwealth Games stadium , Hibs greeted the '90s facing extinction .
16 Manchester United fail to win the Championship for 25 years in a row , but attract the biggest crowds of all ; Everton supporters turn up in their thousands week after week , ignoring the better , winning team that plays a matter of yards away ; the absence of Gascoigne and Lineker will not deter the Tottenham faithful .
17 Unfortunately , the promotion of industrialisation by protectionist measures tended to encourage inefficiency , waste and a diversion of resources away from the competitive export market .
18 It is , in fact , a diversion of resources away from the priorities which existed at the end of 1988 which were to develop the management accounting skills of the NHS : particularly to promote the better use of resources through the RMI .
19 The immediate increase in those deposits will come from transfers from banks but the ultimate origin will be a diversion of funds away from the destinations to which they had been channelled by unit trust managements .
20 When I spoke to Andrew , he and Wendy were tending a farm for friends away on holiday .
21 I mean we have dealings with solicitors for all sorts of things , asking for reports and we send a lot of notes away to have a lot of er medical opinion reports and they take ages to come back .
22 In '77 , the New Musical Express helped briefly to divert a lot of punks away from the nihilism of the Sex Pistols towards Rock Against Racism and the Anti-Nazi League .
23 At the time I conjectured — and she said doubtfully that I might be right — that she was thus exorcizing the spirit of ‘ ferocity , brutality , violence ’ , which had tempted her artist in A Wreath of Roses away from her true world , and made her fearful of being ‘ ladylike , nostalgic , governessy ’ .
24 There were already colonies of maggots at work on the body , particularly , the Doctor noticed , on the stump of the right wrist , and on the hand which was severed and lay a couple of feet away .
25 Any baby soother should be played at least a couple of feet away from her head .
26 He finally stopped when he was just a couple of feet away from her .
27 But she could n't think straight while Julius was standing just a couple of feet away !
28 He stopped a couple of feet away .
29 Then he stepped towards her to stand just a couple of feet away .
30 Face turned on one arm , she risked a glance along the muscular length of the body stretched a couple of feet away from her , the briefest black trunks accentuating the dusky , even tan of his skin .
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