Example sentences of "a [noun] [noun sg] as [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 They believe that such a move could provoke Labour into accepting their terms for a partnership government as its anxiety to hold office mounted .
2 Lal rode them , so neatly and prettily , on as many days in a hunting season as her box could carry them to near or far-distant meets .
3 For example , if you have a Forest Goblin as your Battle Standard Bearer you must have at least one Mob of Forest Goblins in your army .
4 Nijkamp of the Netherlands spent the previous night in a Paris hospital as his wife gave birth to their first child , got back at 5am for some sleep and went on to paddle to last place .
5 The bundling means that you will be able to play a MIDI sound-track as your presentation unfolds , and to this end , Presentations ships with over 100 industry standard .
6 Mr Emig said there were gaps in the evidence and that , in the commission 's view , the South African track and field federation could not conduct a doping control as their membership of the International Amateur Athletic Federation was still under suspension .
7 A British atom does not wave a union jack as its explodes in a mixture of fissile atoms .
8 ( It may have been simple retaliation — he had been mildly reprimanded by the guardians for allowing an unqualified assistant to attend a midwifery case as his deputy earlier that year , and had been instructed to provide the name of a legally qualified locum . )
9 A TOT drowned in a garden pond as his mum nipped out to buy him an ice cream from a van .
10 received a gold watch as his long service gift from the Company presented to him by GM , .
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