Example sentences of "a [noun] [noun sg] [modal v] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 It was It seems a kind of I mean it seems to have gone on quite a bit that people who had a Co book would allow other people to draw off of that , would go to the shops and buy whatever they needed of the Co book .
2 In summary , it seems rather unlikely that forecasts taking the mid-1980s as a base year can claim to be measuring demand accurately .
3 But replacing the still popular linked rectangular sink and drainer that fit over a base unit will mean fitting a new worksurface , and perhaps even a new base unit as well — a much more difficult task .
4 He said that although he was personally quite happy with things as they were , he understood her doubts and perhaps a trial separation would resolve them one way or the other .
5 Although a trial judge might exclude evidence on the ground of fairness under s 78 of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 , the fact that Parliament had incorporated the provisions of s 2(8) into the 1987 Act suggested that it had not felt that the power under the 1984 Act was sufficient to protect a person from being compelled to give evidence .
6 Errors a trial balance will show
7 With winch or car launches , it is essential to consider whether a cable break could result in a part of the cable falling on or near to a glider or anything else in mid-field .
8 A cable car will take you most of the way .
9 ( A cable car will take you almost to le sommet . )
10 A progress background can teach you a lot about what really happens if you 're aiming to be an account executive .
11 A new idea is to drop 50 two-ton blocks into a lava tunnel high up the mountain to try to clog the flow , in the way things dropped into a kitchen sink will block the drain .
12 In an excellent situation , a kitchen maid might receive £10 per year [ Hill , 133 ] .
13 A squadron commander would suggest to me that " old so-and-so is getting a bit teased-out and perhaps he should be rested " , or " it might be convenient if he did not return after his next leave " — these leaves were quite frequent , something like six or seven days every six or seven weeks .
14 So the blacksmith plover in the savannahs of East Africa will stand over its eggs , shadowing them with outstretched wings , to allow what wind there is to blow over them ; and in Australia , a jabiru stork will collect water in its beak to spray over the eggs if they get dangerously warm .
15 A case history will illustrate what I mean .
16 In such a case equity would have to prevail or be of no effect .
17 An understanding of the complexities raised in such a case study may become essential in order to cope with the new responsibilities of management committees under the new membership scheme .
18 With advice from the head teacher and the LEA representative , when present , the governors presiding over a case conference will have to be able to evaluate the options put forward , including alternative education outside the mainstream school system , and make a recommendation .
19 Wirral Social Services Department temporarily placed her with foster parents and a case conference will take place this morning .
20 A case conference should consider what will happen in the future if violence occurs .
21 A plot or land was reckoned the normal basis of the feudal contract , and this notion was never lost sight of , however common the domestic knight and the vassal who held a money fief might become ( see pp. 184–5 ) .
22 Where the price of the goods is more than the value of the token , the inclusion of a money consideration would suggest that the transaction is a sale of goods .
23 Remember that any compressed or expanded version of a bit image will contain distortions of the original , however , intelligent the algorithms used .
24 Yet if talk of permanent or irreversible changes may be too bold , the Thatcher government has created a new agenda , one which a successor government will find difficult to reverse .
25 With no load , a 12V Zener must then dissipate 456mW ( =12V d.c. at 38mA ) so a 1.3W Zener would do nicely .
26 He 's worked on the site for 46 years and he knows what a heritage museum would mean to the town .
27 A curriculum audit may look at the following :
28 A breakthrough appeared to have been reached in the negotiations on June 26 when Bush revised his hitherto sacrosanct 1988 presidential campaign pledge not to increase taxes , and admitted that a budget agreement would have to include not only spending and entitlement cuts , but also " increased tax revenues " .
29 It will also offer specialised training , both at the centre and on site with individual firms , while a consultancy service will advise customers on such topics as industrial quality , industrial automation and the environment .
30 That statement must be qualified , however , if for no other reason than that there is no one theory of socialism to which the main adherents of a functionalist style would subscribe .
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