Example sentences of "a [noun] for it [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Maybe this song will catch on , but I think Deano needs to buck up a bit for it to get sung some more .
2 It was a biting cold that almost turned the pleasure of the riding into a chore , or a want for it to end .
3 The tale he told journalist Gerard Garrett was that Brando would n't hit him hard enough in a scene for it to look real .
4 In 1971 the CNAA gave evidence to the James Committee expressing its willingness to take on the validation of the Teachers Certificate if there was a need for it to do so .
5 It took a moment for it to penetrate ; he was talking about his rejection by the Irish comrades .
6 Genette speaks of this change in emphasis as a restoration of equilibrium in literary studies : ‘ Literature had long enough been regarded as a message without a code for it to become necessary to regard it for a time as a code without a message ( 1982 : 7 ) .
7 Through the 1930s and 1940s the habit quickly spread through Britain , at far too fast a rate for it to have taken place by the natural selection of Mendelian genes ( Figure 3.12 ) .
8 I think we 've got a use for it to demonstrate that we , merely to demonstrate we had it er , at least er , on , in March the twenty , what ever it is .
9 In yourself you 've got to be very clear about where you 're going and what you 're doing before you start to do it , in a sense for it to happen .
10 That it ought to interfere and regulate or even suppress these autonomous , self-creating , voluntary associations is a matter for it to prove : it is not assumed …
11 Nevertheless , it seems reasonable to assume that the specific nature of the object , and in particular its physical presence , will result in a tendency for it to act in certain distinctive ways , compared with other media of cultural expression .
12 There is a tendency for it to sound scrappy and undernourished , and intonation is variable , too .
13 As there was a tendency for it to rain outside this gift idea was doubly welcome !
14 There is a tendency for it to run in families . ’
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