Example sentences of "a [noun] have [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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31 A string of unpaid bills , often owed to local tradesmen who could ill-afford it , numerous writs and a divorce have all contributed to his problems .
32 The part of me that is a lesbian has always had a lot of support and nurturing from friends around .
33 PLAYING at being a cowboy has always held a certain atavistic appeal , particularly for Americans .
34 A pilot who died when his light plane crashed in a wood had once survived another crash just a few miles away .
35 She said , " Mary , a girl has just turned up here , she 's desperate ; she 's in Shaftwood Hotel , you know
36 It 's daft , it says a girl 's always got to wear grey if she works behind a counter or in a business 'ouse or as an 'otel clerk .
37 Corbett grinned back ; a Welshman had once told him that each person has an aura about him , be it good or evil , which goes out to other people .
38 By Royal Invitation ( 1988 ) related , for example , that the Queen was suspicious about the number 13 , that a footman had once fallen in love with Princess Margaret , and that Prince Charles disliked chocolate cakes , but manifested a distinct partiality for Bath Olivers .
39 A judge has now issued a warrant for his arrest .
40 A campaign has already begun suggesting that Souness is for the chop — but I blame the players .
41 He received it as if it were a precious relic a saint had just blessed , and folded it carefully .
42 It is by no means rare for there to be confusion about whether or not a dismissal has actually taken place .
43 A teacher has only to say : " Now which of you girls did — " and my spots merge for a time into the scarlet background provided for them by the rest of my face .
44 Such a move had already affected three of the twenty working-class housewives interviewed .
45 A landfall had probably blocked off the river centuries back , forcing it into a fresh path .
46 There was a particularly piquant episode when it had been reported to him that a meeting had allegedly taken place somewhere in the country , where Jenkins was supposed to have organised his cabal .
47 Mr Rushdie said that such a meeting would be a ‘ symbolic gesture ’ , adding that a request for a meeting had formally gone in and was on the table .
48 However , no one except a Christian anarchist or a Tolstoyan has ever deduced from this that socialism is against revolutionary violence .
49 Lou smoked three cigarettes a day : it was his one bad habit — and on one occasion Sophie 's skirt and a stub had somehow come into contact .
50 A pub with a difference has just opened in Herefordshire .
51 Undoubtedly , as a general rule , the seller wants to get the highest price for his property , and the purchaser wishes to give the lowest , and in that sense it may be said that an expected difference between the parties is to be implied in every case , but unless a difference has actually arisen , it does not appear to me to be an " arbitration " .
52 ‘ When a product has already travelled from its place of origin there is n't intended to be any restriction , ’ said Alison Fellows of the European law unit at Dickinson Dees in Newcastle .
53 When , during a home game in February 1927 , Hardy shouted from the touchline to a player to move up-field , Chapman chose to regard it as a breach of his authority and arranged for Hardy to move to Tottenham , where a vacancy had conveniently arisen .
54 Twice recently , papers submitted to a journal have later appeared as sections of a book .
55 On one site the author recalls contacting the oldest locals , who advised that a site had only flooded once in living memory and they were only too pleased to point out a ’ flood line ’ still just visible on a number of buildings in the area after 30 years .
56 A handful had also returned to independent , though supported , living .
57 Although Indians had been allowed to join the ICS since 1858 , only a handful had actually sat its fiercely competitive examinations , let alone passed .
58 A distinction has thus emerged between administrative and political roles , with appointed servants of the state acting under the direction of elected politicians and ultimately answerable to the people .
59 Since then , the Conservatives ' system for electing a leader has effectively removed this power from the monarch , and providing each election produces an outright winning party , her actions are pretty well preordained .
60 If a trader has just started in business he will not succeed in a passing-off action but a newly registered trade mark has immediate protection .
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