Example sentences of "a [noun] of people [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Like you , I used to be overcome with shyness and would hover outside a roomful of people rather than go in and meet them .
2 What is required is a fresh start in Europe , a new vision of a confident , outward-looking , interlocking commonwealth of democracies , the very opposite of a continent of people sullenly subservient to unelected and anonymous officials operating from some distant and foreign city — the future lot of the citizens of Europe unless the process is consciously and rapidly redirected .
3 But a range of people inside and outside the House of Commons , deliver .
4 What help us , we we 'll go to we 'll direct the questions to different people erm and if you agree , just say you agree so that we do n't have er erm a session of people just rec reciting what everybody else has said , but if we start with you erm Jim , sorry I ca n't see the
5 Sitting in Casey 's office with a group of people sometime in the autumn of 1985 , John McMahon , his deputy , suddenly said : ‘ You wo n't believe what Bud McFarlane just told me at the White House . ’
6 Unless he could rent rooms out to people , or better still , gather a group of people here who all paid their way , start a commune in fact .
7 This method is not very useful for work groups , especially the informal ones in organizations , as there may be very strong bonds between a group of people even though the verbal signals are few .
8 Each programme is operated by a group of people all working towards some organizational objective and headed by a manager who is responsible for their actions .
9 After a time I found a group of people all sitting on some narrow stairs .
10 And we 're gon na look at a passage in just a few moments in , it 's in the eighth chapter of acts where a group of people there , they were Samaritans how they came in to experience their pentecost .
11 How do you bring a group of people together to work on an equal basis when half the members of the group are experienced non-disabled professionals who are used to taking control ?
12 A group of people politically sympathetic to the government of the day could be appointed to each department to assist ministers with advice that would have a political content .
13 They were sturdy beggars , Hugh told them , a sort of people rarely found in the forest , vermin whom the verderers would have been well able to control without an expedition had it not been for the outlaws .
14 The vicar is now so unpopular that only a handful of people still attend St Mary 's Church .
15 Grandson Richard , 39 , was in a crush of people all heading the same way .
16 In the same period , Arthur Young , subsidized by the big landlords to promote agricultural improvement , put his finger on what must have been a general attitude , when he described cattle-stealers in the Lincolnshire fens : ‘ So wild a country nurses up a race of people as wild as the fen , and thus the morals and eternal welfare of numbers are hazarded and ruined for want of an inclosure . ’
17 This cut out a quarter of people otherwise eligible to vote , the majority of whom were Catholics .
18 Elsewhere there is a preponderance of older lecturers who have heavy teaching loads , a discouraging success rate for grant applications , and a shortage of people actually to carry out the research , so physics departments have to be very determined indeed to maintain a thriving research programme .
19 In fact , only a minority of people now smoke in Wimpey offices .
20 Lang said a number of people both in and outside local government had quietly welcomed the Government 's proposals .
21 I had worked there , and that was when I was sixty five , so I 'd worked there all my working life , apart from the , the war years and had served under quite a number of people really .
22 A number of people virtually bankrupt themselves to get to the Olympic Games and have to sell the horse afterwards to recover their money . ’
23 ‘ Knowledge within government of the project was like a number of people all holding pieces of a jigsaw without realising that they were the pieces of the same jigsaw , ’ the report said .
24 They have built up a list of people all over the world who have been sending them football songs and now send Beatles covers as well .
25 Peering past Terry 's shoulder , Ellie stared down at Feargal , the dog at his heels , confronting a crowd of people all waving their arms about — and Terry was right , he did n't look in the least fazed .
26 A lot of people today say it 's not necessary .
27 That 's what I say to a lot of people today , they moan about dockers but they 're only fighting for their rights .
28 A lot of people probably think he is too fat when he is jumping , ’ says John , ‘ but he seems to be better for carrying a bit of weight ; he has more energy .
29 ’ Anybody could 've gone outside and pulled a plug out of the wall and the show would 've been off the air A lot of people probably wish they had . ’
30 What I 'm , what I 'm trying to do is , is just er highlight er paths where they are , and , and , and drawing people 's attention to er to , to rights of way in the county , er obviously a lot of people probably would n't be , maybe people that 've just moved into the area , that sort of thing , people like myself who were n't too familiar with Oxfordshire before , er those sort of people probably would n't be aware without a book like this that there were a lot of paths on their doorstep , and some very pleasant countryside as well .
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