Example sentences of "a [noun] [prep] its head " in BNC.

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1 IBM Corp seems to have whipped up as much of a storm around its head with its plunge into digital delivery of music to record stores as Alan Sugar has attracted with his bizarre sacking of Terry Venables as chief executive of Tottenham Hotspur Plc : IBM 's joint venture with Blockbuster Entertainment Corp has triggered ‘ swift , fierce and almost entirely negative ’ reaction from the music industry , the Wall Street Journal reports — ‘ IBM and Blockbuster made a major gaffe by issuing announcements without contacting the record companies , ’ said Michael Schulhof , chairman of Sony Corp 's Sony USA ; Warner Music Group talked of arrogance , MCA Music Group said it had begun working on its own electronic distribution system , and even Polygram , 80% owned by Philips Electronics NV , which also has 6% of Blockbuster , described the announcement as premature .
2 Every few seconds , it stops , executes a pirouette with its head lifted and then dashes off in another direction .
3 Someone from the Vienna art gallery arrived to take a death mask , and crowds of people were soon queuing to view the body , which was laid on a bier in a black suit with a cowl over its head .
4 The Egyptian vulture , finding a clutch of ostrich eggs , picks up sizeable stones in its beak and with a nod of its head , tosses them in the general direction of the nest .
5 This importance was partly strategic : by walling off the Isthmus ( land narrows ) of Corinth , as was done in the Persian Wars and again in the hellenistic period , the Peloponnese could be turned into an island , or a tortoise with its head tucked in , as the Roman commander Flamininus put it .
6 Its name in Greek means ‘ that which looks downwards ’ , a reference to its head being so heavy that it would only loll lazily in the hot sand , waiting for a victim to walk by .
7 Such a quantity of natural ability can sometimes cause inner confusion and players like him can turn a match on its head sometimes without knowing how it happened or how they did it .
8 They were skiing more slowly now , coming down the valley with Castell Rocamar like something out of a fairy-tale at its head .
9 It is all very well for him to pepper a debate with the emotive terms to which he is addicted , such as ’ crisis ’ and ’ collapse ’ , and to describe the board as having ’ a pistol to its head ’ .
10 Famed for his kicking but accused of rarely tackling , Botha can the vision to turn a game on its head .
11 Then Adam smashes a chair on its head ,
12 This stage of training an owl is much more difficult than doing the same stage with a falcon , because with a falcon you just stick a hood over its head and let it get used to all the different noises .
13 It looked , as far as I could see , like a bristleworm , until I caught a glimpse of its head , which seemed to have antennae of some kind .
14 With a flick of its head , it throws them on to the water .
15 It sat , he reported , " in a sort of glass cage with a diadem on its head and half bowed on a sort of elevation or throne .
16 This one had a prong like a dagger in its head .
17 The pupils proceeded thither in a procession preceded by the 17th Lancers , each class with a master at its head .
18 A large bird with a cruel beak and a crown on its head . ’
19 But Kathie put life into perspective when her mother telephoned and , instead of enthusing at my achievement , Kathie said , ‘ The cat 's had a boil on its head . ’ ’
20 It had a screen on its head where its face might have been .
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