Example sentences of "a [noun] [prep] [Wh adv] the " in BNC.

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1 The other thing , and this is a case of where the panel bites back as it were .
2 They were last year , they gave an undertaking to do it as soon as possible , it is a case of where the money comes from er Mr of course is relatively new er we do n't bother about as a rule about what he casts as new costs in new staff .
3 The similarity of their views — if only on that one key point — is a measure of how the superpower thaw is extending from arms control to economic matters as well .
4 The issue is now set to go to a full board meeting , a measure of how the directors ' proud notions of consensus have withered over this issue .
5 One source of interest can be a description of where the interview has taken place , perhaps a studio , or maybe the artist 's home .
6 Reason for Change : a description of why the change is needed and a justification of the requirements
7 ‘ its effect ’ — a description of how the position shown in the accounts is different as a result of the departure , normally with quantification , except (
8 er you know so far as we can get that erm and I 'll then give you a description of how the theory er predicts your er preferences for behaving in particular ways , would work out .
9 Now , a story of how the English are finally beating the Australians at their own game .
10 This takes a look at where the game has been in the Eighties and where it might be going in future .
11 In this chapter we shall first take a look at how the most commonly used measure of national wealth — gross national product ( GNP ) — is constructed , and consider the distribution of GNP across several countries .
12 What better time to take an over-view of the sort of things I am asked most often , and a look at how the commonest problems can be avoided ?
13 And every so often erm the British look at this with a rather interested eye , and you 'll find that erm Parliamentary committees erm there was one on the British Civil Service about two years , three years ago , nineteen seventy-seven , they went over to France to have a look at how the French did this to see if they could learn anything from the French experience , but in fact it 's very difficult to transport somebody else 's experience , lock , stock and barrel , into the British situation , and they quite sensibly concluded this would n't be a good idea .
14 Free estimates are available on request and a videotape provides a demonstration of how the system works .
15 In May 1980 , it announced a study on how the country could safeguard supplies to industry .
16 A study of how the various crofting communities handled these pressures , outside the law and largely by ignoring it , might be instructive in the field of human relationships to which I have referred , but it would be difficult now to carry it out because that period in crofting has passed into history .
17 This is a study of how the speed of technology change interacts with the development of market structure .
18 I feel the time is now right to respond to local bargaining initiatives , C C T and L M S , with a review of how the research department could best provide their services to the people at the sharp end .
19 It 's been suggested that the crowd was too large for the organisers to handle , and at today 's police authority meeeting Gloucestershire 's Chief Constable announced a review into how the event was run .
20 The impartial observation able to be made is that , in both cases , it is a question of where the clubs go from here and too early to jump to any conclusions .
21 Essentially this is a question of how the ‘ inside ’ articulates with the ‘ outside ’ .
22 The geographical spread will be very much a question of how the highland and lowland TAVRAs — the Territorial Army volunteer reserve associations — decide to allocate their resources .
23 ‘ Beauty and the changing attitudes to it are always a reflection of how the world changes .
24 Now he thinks he can work it in , which I 'm pleased about because if this is the way the Indians react to me and Matt then maybe that 's a pointer to how the fans will go .
25 The left , by contrast , saw the greater worker and state involvement in the economy as a pointer to how the crisis could be resolved in the interests of working people ( chapter 18 ) .
26 Ranger Jeffrey Judd was winched down in a basket to where the Hollywood cameraman lay exhausted , 60 ft below the rim of the Kilauea volcano .
27 This was partly a reference to how the game was played : its new emphasis on the professional foul , dossiers on opposition players , new fitness training methods and greater tactical awareness .
28 They 're not encrypted , they 're simply strung together into one file per disk ( BACKUP.001 ) while a small file , CONTROL.001 , keeps a record of where the files came from — which directory and so on .
29 which is trying to accumulate a record of how the English language is used in everyday context , like lectures , like in broadcasts , like in people 's homes and so forth .
30 For harmony licks like these you 'll find that where you pick and where you pull off or hammer-on really makes a difference to how the harmony sounds .
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