Example sentences of "a [noun] [verb] [prep] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 In these cases it may be appropriate after advising the insured of the position , to offer to make a payment based upon importing average into the contract and applying average to the amount of the claim .
2 The Polled Sussex is a variety created by crossing with the Aberdeen Angus .
3 Annina Nosei is not a galerist known for specialising in photography but she has arranged , this summer , a largish show of those whose work especially interests her .
4 My trainers are a bit wet from kicking the leaves but my socks are dry I think .
5 He and his party were ‘ not a bit inconvenienced by crowding or annoyed by rude remarks ’ .
6 The second factor in coming to a decision relates to resourcing .
7 A decision to save by building up money balances no longer carries with it the high opportunity cost that it once did .
8 Legislation has a part to play in maintaining safety but individuals have a responsibility to control personal behaviour for their own benefit as well as for the survival and well-being of others .
9 Within the context of each module or group of modules where they are linked in an integrated programme , students have a part to play in determining what , how , when , where and at what pace they learn .
10 erm Generally , below five years sixty thousand miles , we have policies which give manufacturer 's servicing , and obviously erm the policy holder does have a part to play in doing that .
11 Mr Patten said that he had not turned against the idea of any and all new towns : ‘ So long as the location is right and so long as people can have real confidence that a decision in favour of a new settlement will relieve development pressures elsewhere , then new villages and new settlements could have a part to play in increasing the acceptability of new housing decisions . ’
12 Correct breathing , she says , has a part to play in preventing a wide range of illnesses , including cancer .
13 In Athens the political equality of the citizens coexisted uneasily with economic inequality , as it continues to do today ; but the whole point of the democracy was that it gave the poor as well as the rich a part to play in governing the city .
14 We tend to think of joint finance , in the English context , as involving the district health authority , but there is a range of agencies — from the highest level in the NHS down to the family practitioner committees — who must have a part to play in planning community services and of course in supporting community services .
15 Whilst my message this time has mainly been to our Service team , we all have a part to play in improving the quality of our business .
16 The UN certainly has a part to play in keeping peace .
17 However , the small number of implied covenants have a part to play in contributing towards the comfort of tenants and some have attracted the attention of Parliament .
18 This is not to deny with Brown ( 1980 ) that geomorphologists have a part to play in elucidating the history of the shape of the earth , particularly in the light of the revolution that the theory of plate tectonics brought to the understanding of continental distribution .
19 It is a contract of insurance and the policy holder does have a part to play by maintaining the vehicle .
20 Preliminary counts suggested that only about 5% of the L1 posiutive cells in the lamina propria were neutrophils , a finding supported by staining for chloroactate esterase in the same sections .
21 But there 's a forfeit to pay for forgetting my confidence — will you have dinner with me tonight ? ’
22 This is most effectively demonstrated in the case of Sony 's Walkman , where the bass sound you hear is in effect a trick created by using cross-frequencies to ‘ synthesise ’ low bass in the mini-headphones ; it sounds low , but out loud there would be no real impact because it does n't actually exist !
23 In other words , Bentham 's Panopticon can be taken as an example of the use of architectural design as a means of social control , as an example of a building dedicated to perfecting the exercise of power .
24 Students have been staging a sit-in to protest about overcrowding at a polytechnic .
25 In keeping with this thesis , Lodge is prepared to see no difference between the kind of choice a writer makes in deciding to call a character dark or fair , and the choice between synonyms such as dark and swarthy .
26 ( 4 ) Hedging or speculation : A contract undertaken for hedging rather than speculative purposes is , in some respects , less regulated than a pure speculative transaction .
27 Ratcliffe ( 1988 ) describes it as a technique used in rehabilitating people with memory loss , confusion and time-place-person disorientation which adds a humanistic element to care , and discusses in some detail how it affects communicating .
28 For every extra unit a retailer sells by modifying pricing or advertising strategies , the manufacturer gains an amount given by the difference between the wholesale price and marginal production costs .
29 The profit a retailer makes before deducting these costs is called gross profit .
30 Other permanent quadrats were set up by Forrest Shreve ( 1915 ) at the Desert Laboratory of the Carnegie Institute of Washington at Tucson , Arizona , and it appears to be through a colleague of Shreve , W. A. Cannon , that T. G. B. Osborn was stimulated in 1926 to set up permanent quadrats in heavily used shrub land and a reserve released from grazing at Koonamore in S. Australia ( Osborn , Wood & Partridge , 1935 ; O. B. Williams & Mott , 1981 ) .
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