Example sentences of "a [noun] [verb] [conj] it " in BNC.

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1 The present unsatisfactory state of the law relating to VAT could mean that VAT paid by the tenant may not be recoverable , and therefore the tenant should consider amending such a provision to provide that it will only pay VAT on such sums where it is first presented with a valid VAT invoice in the tenant 's name .
2 Ex hypothesi there is at this stage a case to answer and it would , in our view , be an abuse of process for the prosecution to discontinue without leave .
3 His helmet was a bit dented and it had lost its feathers but otherwise he was all right — just a bit dizzy that 's all .
4 The colours were a bit faded and it looked like no one had rearranged or replaced the pictures in the case for some time .
5 The year may have started a bit show but it finished with a flourish and we have achieved a tremendous recovery along the way .
6 By the end , of course , they were thoroughly enjoying themselves because they 'd had a bit to drink and it was a jolly convivial evening . ’
7 It 's just the pocket really let's turn you round a bit see if it hurts it 's just the way it is I 'm afraid see if we can open it up and spread it out a bit .
8 ‘ to fall within the principle , not only ( 1 ) must there be a necessity to act when it is not practicable to communicate with the assisted person , but also ( 2 ) the action taken must be such as a reasonable person would in all the circumstances take , acting in the best interests of the assisted person .
9 We could accept a lower parity as part of a decision to join because it would be coupled with the disciplines of the exchange rate mechanism . ’
10 Commenting on the falling pound , he said : ‘ We could accept a lower parity as part of a decision to join because it would be coupled with the disciplines of the exchange rate mechanism .
11 So , we set objectives and sub , subsequently planned a budget to ensure that it 's successful .
12 It is a defence to show that it was necessary for the defendant to enter the plaintiff 's land .
13 A more explicit example of a contract suggests that it should contain three elements :
14 The kind of smile a snake makes before it unhinges its jaws and swallows an egg .
15 That , just have a look to see if it looks okay .
16 Let's have a look see if it 's been rewound , yeah , mm actually you might not have to on that , that might just be there , oh dear he 's throwing a strop up there
17 Welcome back : In a few minutes we 'll be visiting the Victorian mansion that is n't finished yet , and has just been given a grant to ensure that it never will be .
18 Teacher : Shall we try and find a brick to see if it will float ?
19 Marian heard a quick intake of breath from Allen , the sound a horse makes when it is about to bolt .
20 We want to catch the floating voters and show that a vote for the Liberal Democrats is a vote wasted as it would help put Mr Kinnock in at No 10 . ’
21 He 's obviously doing it to keep a rhythm going and it certainly seems to work .
22 And then came the bier , its front draped with a shawl to indicate that it carried a woman , which perhaps accounted for the general meagreness of the proceedings .
23 It was a pleasure to discover that it had escaped the sort of wholesale restoration so commonly carried out in the earlier part of this century .
24 This score is so inspired and obviously such a pleasure to play that it never seems to receive a really disappointing recording .
25 Bert knew that Mrs Tremayne wanted a fence repaired and it seemed an excellent opportunity to use his sudden free time by visiting Four Winds .
26 and her ooh give them a ring see if it 's ready yet !
27 ‘ It does n't take a psychologist to see that it 's you who 's running . ’
28 A bailiff had found a pig wandering where it should n't and , according to city regulations , had promptly cut the animal 's throat .
29 1.15 In Gregory 's case the plaintiff , who was injured in a way that could have been avoided by wearing a seat belt , suffered a 40 per cent total reduction since he was also travelling as a passenger in a car knowing that it had defective brakes .
30 But if it 's a question of a child feeling that a parent thinks that it 's important , and feeling that parents are interested in what they 're doing , then that I would have thought was beneficial .
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