Example sentences of "a [noun] [verb] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 " And would there be a payment involved do you think ? "
2 ‘ At first I thought it was a ploy — a ruse designed to panic me into running to her , but then something told me it was not .
3 Yeah , he was in agony there , so any way carry him to the toilet , sat him on the toilet and sort of sat there with him a bit trying to make him go a wee , cos I thought perhaps he full bladder and could n't
4 So I think , in a way , it 's erm a bit wasted carpeting it all .
5 Drug users say they could be at increased risk from AIDS after a decision to stop giving them free clean syringes .
6 Well all we had was Broadfield School and that 's where my boys had to go to Broadfield , they went into Broadfield School and erm , they all got on alright you know , they got on well there and then from there they went to when the new school was built they went to Netteswell school you see , but two of my sons are electricians and unfortunately the eldest one , one of the electricians I could n't put him to apprentice because I could n't afford it cos I had a hard to struggle to bring them up you know in those days , we did n't get erm any family allowance or anything those days , and erm , so therefore he could n't go , but he sort of got on and got his own factory , but my other son who 's an electrician , one of the twins he 's erm , he 's got his City and Guilds he passed , he went , he was able to go to the school when the new schools were built you see , when Netteswell school was built he was able to go to night school and er learn all you see , then there was the one at Burnt Mill was n't there , down the bottom ?
7 Well we 've got a tenner to go have we ?
8 St Paul 's daily routine , as a law-abiding Jew , would have included a prayer to say thank you that God had not made him a Gentile , a slave or a woman — in that order !
9 A seminarist has brought me a blanket off his own bed .
10 Here 's a checklist to help ensure you end up with the right advice .
11 When William Marshal was dying a clerk tried to persuade him to sell about eighty fine robes in order to spend the money for the salvation of his soul .
12 After a reeve has mated she departs from the lek to lay her eggs and rears her young by herself .
13 He gave her a look calculated to have her on her knees in front of him begging .
14 So the greater the risk that another male has inseminated the female , the more trouble a male takes to get her to eject the sperm .
15 In order to excavate the site itself , a new road had been built and a viaduct constructed to carry it across the valley before it climbed through the wooded hillside to the rocky crag chosen for the location of the church which formed the heart of the project .
16 When a photographer tries to catch her in action , she playfully snatches his camera and turns the lens on him .
17 May I , once again , ask anyone who knows of someone who could benefit from a grant to please let us know .
18 A housewife has asked us if she should pay off her mortgage now , while she can still afford to do so .
19 Keith said : ‘ If a wave had caught it it would have smashed the craft to pieces .
20 A plea for a £98,000 grant to keep it open was refused by the government .
21 But this ploy fails , partly because such a conception fails to tell us what is to count as ‘ adding 2 ’ , and partly because it relies upon a smooth interpretation of ‘ every ’ ; but we could ask about ‘ every ’ the same questions as we are asking about' + 2' , for there is always the possibility that someone should after a while begin to use ‘ every ’ as we would use ‘ every other ’ , maintaining that he was the only one in step .
22 When he opens his mouth , a valve closes to prevent him swallowing when he 's underwater , and he could have ejected that medicine if he had wanted to . ’
23 ‘ Not without asking for nominations and holding a Department meeting to discuss it first . ’
24 Leeds will not make any problems if a club wants to rent me , and the price for 10–11 matches in Norway would probably be around GBP 25000 , Frank say .
25 But the conservatives , fearing a Mitterrand manoeuvre to split them , have denounced the proposed reforms as an attempt to distract voters .
26 And as a result has awarded it top marks and a prestigious regional Quality Brickwork Award .
27 Recently in October 1976 , her sister living in America , asked for a photograph of the old building which 1 am pleased to say was dispatched and a reply received to say she now carries it everywhere showing it to everyone .
28 A reply came thanking us for our letter and saying it is receiving attention .
29 Grant felt a hammer blow strike him on the right breast and a searing pain in his right bicep .
30 it 's a pleasure to say thank you to Mrs and Mrs for your kaleidoscope of colour .
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