Example sentences of "a [noun] [verb] him [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ That guy 's going to need a submarine to scrape him off the bottom . ’
2 A branch whipped him in the face .
3 A CLEVELAND fireman is appealing against a decision to transfer him from Thornaby fire station to his home town of Billingham .
4 You pay a forfeit to put him in that race .
5 I 'm not naive , I know others will make more be back with more bids because he 's such a top -class goal scorer , ’ says the manager , who has just signed a contract keeping him at Hillsborough for the same time as Hirst .
6 Polls had until recently shown support for Mr Patten but now a majority wants him to back down .
7 ALISTAIR Bell , whose wife was found murdered in a sports centre car park , won undisclosed libel damages in the High Court yesterday over a story linking him with her death .
8 Ferdinand believed Godoy was scheming for a regency to exclude him from the throne ; Godoy knew that Ferdinand was intriguing against him with the French ambassador .
9 Once , he had sensed a presence following him on the trail .
10 There was no other option as the Hurseys live in a known highrisk parvovirus area and carrying around a Great Dane puppy in a blanket to acclimatise him to street life — as one might with Yorkshire terrier pup — is hardly practical AND needs a very large owner !
11 A wave slapped him in the mouth .
12 We do swear — ’ He paused , and a murmur followed him with some clearer , harsher voices audible amongst it : ‘ We do swear — ’ He went on : ‘ Never to swerve , ’ and they said it together , ‘ Never to swerve — from our present path — till we have cleansed the country — or this oppressive Act .
13 A figure approached him with its arms wrapped around its chest .
14 I stated my views to Lord Stanley as fully as I could , but I fear that the Exchequer is not in a condition to enable him to second my views , 1 think you will do me the credit to say that if any man can organize an Expedition for interior research I can , and that there are few if any here more qualified from experience for such a task .
15 Mr Yeltsin 's aides have said he would ignore a vote to remove him by the Congress , which was elected before the collapse of the Soviet Union .
16 " Frith could have killed El-ahrairah at once , but he had a mind to keep him in the world , because he needed him to sport and jest and play tricks .
17 He is represented as granting land at Hoo in Kent to an Abbot Ecgbald ( CS 89 : S 233 ) , and a grant of land at Farnham , perhaps dating to 686 , for the founding of a monastery reveals him with authority in Surrey ( CS 72 : S 235 ) .
18 The blow came at a meeting on Saturday when members voted not to let him stand as an election candidate — despite a recommendation to accept him by the executive committee .
19 Thus in the case referred to by Holt C.J. , in Philips v. Bury , Appleford 's Case ( 1672 ) 1 Mod.Rep. 82 , the plaintiff sought an order directed to the master and fellows of a college to reinstate him as a fellow , the visitor having already adjudicated that he had been rightly removed .
20 Monaco despatched a scout to trail him at Bournemouth the following week , and they will use the next couple of days to decide whether to gamble on bringing Lambert to Europe 's gambling capital .
21 However , despite protests from the priests , who identified Gervais Sindakira as one of their workers , a soldier bayoneted him to death .
22 But a witness saw him outside the premises .
23 Haines fell over and a Corporal kicked him in the stomach , shouting at him to stand up .
24 A journalist attacked him in 1791 for the ‘ permanent predominant prejudice , that the music is everything , and the words , nothing ’ at the Opéra : ‘ one is made aware of just one author , the author of the music . ’
25 A journalist interviewed him for a book about his family , and when The Nielsons appeared , it made no mention at all of his professional life .
26 A ceremony to swear him into the post was to have been held tomorrow .
27 Time for the same man to complete his work in Finland , then catch a plane to London and hire a car to take him to Suffolk .
28 Oh he might be away for thre , cos I know he had golf at the Belfry this week , and then when he comes back he 's being picked up by a car to take him to the Belfry again , cos we 're entertaining there for a weekend 's golf .
29 So the film company organized a car to take him from Reading to Pangbourne .
30 Lord Aldington , 75 , is seeking damages from Nigel Watts , a property developer , who circulated a pamphlet accusing him of arranging every detail of the repatriation of 70,000 Yugoslav and Russian men , women and children who were subsequently tortured and massacred .
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