Example sentences of "a [noun] [noun] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm talking about a pharmacist with a G P that set us .
2 ST JOHN the Baptist Parish , Timperley , finished October off in fine style with a variety concert and dance at Christ Church parish hall , with dancing to the Innisfree Band .
3 We have used a trend analysis which is based round setting the 1984 figures as a base year and producing an index number trend from that year .
4 I 've just completed a 16,000 mile trip around the US , carrying a Dell notebook that weighed about 7lb , and believe me , the difference is impressive .
5 James granted two Edinburgh businessmen a patent to set up a printing press and produce books at reasonable prices : a comfortable monopoly , since at the same time he proscribed the import into Scotland of any books printed abroad .
6 On his return to France he was so enthusiastic about them that he even planted a trial field and let the local population steal them so that they could experience this new vegetable for themselves .
7 A Warrior Bane or Parrying Blade are useful too as they reduce your enemy 's attacks .
8 In general , the file designer will choose a bucket size and packing density that reduce the percentage of synonyms to an acceptable level , bearing in mind the increased retrieval times large bucket size can cause .
9 He confesses his past mistakes to his daughter who reaffirms her love for him and then , at the close of the play , he retires to the shade of a beech tree and dies .
10 There 's a castle , and a cable car that soars up the mountains to an area that has been dubbed ‘ the botanical gardens of Italy ’ .
11 I 'm a physics graduate but have now decided that a career in computer programming is more practical , given my condition .
12 This is a P C and had a shot gun .
13 You find some tape in a kitchen drawer and go back to the front hall , turning him round so that you 're between him and the door .
14 He laughed , and Belinda took some scissors from a kitchen drawer and ran lightly down the back stairs to find her flowers .
15 He let the others go on , sat down on a kitchen stool and took it out of his pocket .
16 Dara seized a kitchen knife and tried to defend himself , but the thugs overpowered him .
17 When Mrs Newman saw the mouse , though it was dead , she jumped on a kitchen chair and squealed .
18 A kitchen timer that rings to indicate to the child when they have managed to sit for a specific length of time can be linked to the reward chart .
19 She was n't sure how she 'd got there : like someone who takes an electric shock from a kitchen implement and winds up on the other side of the room .
20 Another residents discovered rats had got into a kitchen cupboard and eaten packets of food .
21 Yet here was her grandson fending for himself , leaning amiably against a kitchen cupboard and eating a self-made sandwich , while his mother gave infinite attention to food for women who should have been at home attending to their own children .
22 While the councillors felt it appropriate that the Church Hall should be put to some use they objected to the proposal for a function room and made the following points :
23 In her hut Flavia Sherman , distracted by the sounds of merriment , gave up trying to read by the light of a hurricane lamp and walked restlessly to the front opening .
24 Sometimes , he said , no hand depressed a Morse key or lifted a telephone or received a signal , and even the teleprinters , tired of their own unending chack-chacking , switched themselves off .
25 This may happen when a government department settles a case out-of-court or decides to make an ex gratia payment .
26 ‘ Practical work will involve analysing a case study and developing a ‘ behavioural ’ plan to deal with difficult people ’ .
27 Los Angeles has been particularly attractive as a case study and has been outlined by Cooke ( 1977 ) and used by Whittow ( 1980 ) as an environment which experiences an accumulation of hazards .
28 Netherlands-based , Westmount Technology BV has announced ISEE/Accell , a CASE tool that generates applications for relational databases : ISEE/Accell supports Oracle , Sybase , Unify 2000 , Informix and Ingres and runs under Microsoft Windows , Open Look and Motif .
29 Trading standards officers compiled a case file and submitted it to the OFT three weeks ago .
30 You will probably need to carry your passport and some money , so invest in a money belt that fits round your waist and has zipped compartments .
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