Example sentences of "and even [verb] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Such groups can lead to valuable exchanges of feelings and knowledge between the generations ; many focus on particular interests , hobbies and pursuits , and where appropriate older people should be encouraged to join , and even take a lead in their running and organization .
2 His plea was well received by his listeners who , if they did not quite accept his characterisation of the present moment as a ‘ cultural war ’ between the advocates of free expression and individuals he referred to as ‘ know-nothings ’ , nonetheless were happy , even relieved , to have something resembling moral high ground from which to defend themselves in the controversy and even take the battle back to the ‘ enemy ’ .
3 The following afternoon — i.e. the day the Germans made their most menacing gains — he telephoned that the attack had ‘ slowed down and it looked as though we would be able to hold out and even make a counter-attack ’ .
4 We agree heartily with those that assert that IBM 's mid-range groups could embarrass and even hurt the company 's mainframe division by fielding impressively more clever and vastly more efficient computers .
5 Everything seemed to remind her of him : the jade T-shirt which she 'd worn on that happy day they 'd spent on the beach ; a phrase of music on the radio which they 'd listened to together ; and even baking a chocolate cake for the children had almost broken her up when she 'd remembered how much he 'd enjoyed the one she had made in New York .
6 By the third minute Charlie had begun to gain confidence and even landed a punch or two , to the delight of the onlookers .
7 Drachenfels found that he who listened correctly could see , hear , smell and even taste every act of wickedness that took place within the chambers and warrens of the building .
8 He adored Perdita , but Ricky was his great love , and gradually as the ugly little dog limped after him , barking encouragement during practice chukkas , and even hitching a lift on the back of a pony in order not to be separated , Ricky succumbed totally to his charms .
9 In Nick Berry 's Physical Pursuits , the former EastEnder appears for a mere 10 minutes but declares : ‘ With this new approach you can shift the flab and even cure a hangover . ’
10 Even with this limitation , however , and even given the fact that the Court in this case says by way of principle little that it has not said in previous cases , one should not underestimate the impact of this new illustration of the Court 's conception of the reach of the Directive in terms of the nature of the activities it covers .
11 The past that historians study thus normally embraces , and even plays a part in shaping , the world they themselves inhabit .
12 If you have a home recording setup , the Quad-FX will expand the number of insert points on 4- or 8-track recorders ; add extra inputs to your mixer ( 4 in stereo , 8 in mono ) ; act as a DI box for bass and guitar or anything else that requires a high impedance input section ; work as a 4-way distribution amp and an 8-mono or 4-stereo into 2-line mixer ( both at the same time ! ) ; match analogue effects pedals to mixer insert points ; convert your hi-fi into a 4-stereo-input monitor system ; and even expand a power amp 's inputs to accept signals from up to four separate stereo sources .
13 He paid £200 for hand-crafted boots from Northampton , and even became an EastEnder by residence .
14 Culture as content seems to point , on the other hand , to different answers for different kinds of educational programme , and even begs the question as to whether it makes sense in some subject domains .
15 Oldham took advantage of the nervousness in the Leeds game and even had a goal disallowed on a marginal offside decision .
16 He installed me in the base-camp , an old redbrick gardener 's cottage with roses climbing up the side , offered me the keys to the crew bus so that I could pick up something to eat in nearby Worksop , and even had the foresight to take a pint of milk from the warden 's fridge so that I 'd be able to make a cup of coffee in the morning .
17 Chamden performed like men possessed and even had the audacity to mount wave after wave of attacks .
18 They did not keep him long , however , and this time he made off with a companion and even had the nerve to work for three months on a French farm before starting a marathon trek across the entire length of France .
19 Billed The Midsummer Night 's Dream , the party at Brafield Stadium was granted a licence by South Northants District Council , and even had the blessing of the county 's police force .
20 I 'd applied for Mastermind in three previous years but was unsuccessful and even had an audition in 1989 . ’
21 How nice it was when we could leave the back door undone for the baker to put the bread on the table , the butcher to walk in and even put the meat in the pantry safe and the insurance man to pick up his money from the table .
22 The dust is highly irritating and even stings the skin , but a small price , for such a beautiful timber .
23 An AI mission to Argentina in November 1976 , led by Lord Avebury , was followed everywhere by twenty plainclothes policemen who questioned , intimidated and even detained a number of people whom they meet .
24 Fred would offer to cook the meal and even wash the baby but Carrie always declined with a smile and a determined shake of her head .
25 Reaching her room , she wanted with all her heart to leave Parkwood , and even made a move to get out her overnight bag .
26 Everything is covered ; living aboard , basic safety , handling ropes , working the engine , anchoring , plus mooring Mediterranean style , handling sails , reefing , and even sailing the yacht !
27 The ability to quantify androgyny on the BSRI seemed to some 1970s North American feminists to suggest and even to facilitate an escape from oppressive aspects of dominant discourses of femininity and masculinity , like guilt and dependency , and violence and insensitivity , which would at the same time retain femininity 's positive social , emotional characteristics , and the valuable self-confidence and achievement motivation commonly associated with masculinity .
28 She entered into the shame of bearing God 's Son and even ran the risk of being called a loose woman .
29 Physical exertion was dangerous , sexuality inappropriate and obscene , and even overworking the mind ‘ might bring on mental exhaustion . ’
30 Although you may be perfectly entitled to take others to task and even issue a number of ultimatums , you ought to be more concerned with plans designed to give you the kind of personal or professional recognition you seek and deserve .
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