Example sentences of "and those [Wh pn] have not " in BNC.

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1 How should one estimate the faults of those who offered incense without any torture , those who gave way only after cruel torture by rack and fire , and those who had not actually offered incense at all but had bribed a friendly official to sell them a certificate to say they had done so ?
2 But many of the symptoms asked about were reported for similar proportions of those who had been in residential homes and those who had not ; these were pain , trouble with breathing , vomiting or feeling sick , drowsiness , sleeplessness , dry mouth or thirst , depression , loss of appetite , difficulty swallowing , dizziness , bed sores , an unpleasant smell , and backache .
3 And the sirens escorted their prisoners from the Department to the Abu Ghraib gaol , and those who had not survived interrogation from the Abu Ghraib gaol to the Medical City Mortuary on the other side of the Al Sarafiyah Bridge .
4 Students due to enter the school that year had already been asked to volunteer for the parallel track , so two cohorts existed — those who had expressed a preference for the new approach and those who had not .
5 The students ' performance on the problem based and lecture courses were not found to correlate with their preference for type of course , and those who had not volunteered for the new pathway did as well as those who had , even on the problem based sections of the new curriculum .
6 No significant differences in mean basal glucagon and atrial natriuretic peptide values were seen among normal subjects and coeliac disease patients who had been treated and those who had not ( Table IV ) .
7 There was no significant difference in the response to HRT between patients with ulcerative colitis and Crohn 's disease , smokers and non-smokers , and those who had had a hysterectomy and those who had not .
8 They were classified into two distinct groups , those who gained entry through traditional methods and those who had not .
9 We came home , those of us who 'd skied and those who had n't , with a warm glow inside and outside of our skins .
10 They 'd been delighted therefore to renew acquaintanceship at the beginning of the tour ; and thereafter had spent many an hour together , talking about old comrades they 'd known — those who 'd come through , and those who had n't … and reminiscing about some of the ‘ local talent ’ the GIs had been only too happy to discover , in Oxford itself and in some of the surrounding towns and villages .
11 To A. M. Fairbairn , one had to visit America ‘ to discover how far we have travelled out of the darkness towards the light ’ , while to R. F. Horton , it was a land with ‘ truth open to all who have eyes to see it and those who have not eyes held in wholesome restraint from meddling with those who have ’ .
12 I shall argue in the next chapter that it is part of a teacher 's duties to attempt to redress the balance between children who have and those who have not the advantages of a supportive home .
13 Those who have had facts imparted to them effectively will pass the tests and those who have not will fail to pass the tests , and when the lists are read out on Speech Day the incompetence of the bad fact-imparters will be revealed to the world and this will act as a goad and make them impart their facts better in future … . ’
14 They , and those who have not cohabited , may cross the threshold into marriage without much of a backward glance , feeling sure they have ‘ arrived ’ , thankful for having arrived , found their mate , achieved their haven , caught up with their friends , pleased or escaped from their parents .
15 They are divisive because they have a tendency to divide women into two camps ; those who have and those who have not shaken the dust of patriarchal conditioning from their feet .
16 Instruction in the faith given in late teens or early twenties is essential , essential for young people , both those who 've received communion in earlier years and those who have not .
17 It appears that the unemployed are segmented into two groups each of which is accorded different treatment : those who have been unemployed for more than six months and those who have not .
18 The Law Society no longer can support equally those who have put their house in order and those who have not .
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