Example sentences of "and then [pers pn] [modal v] get " in BNC.

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1 Anyway since editing is the main problem , what we 're going to do this afternoon is , actually , I 'm going to show you another video and again it 's a very controversial one , again it 's used in , in teaching situations , again it has a biased point of view in the sense that it 's produced by National Power , er clearly as a P R job for introduction into schools erm and I want you to do the same exercise , but this time I want us to edit them among ourselves and what I 'm going to do is to get you to wri write your reviews and then we 'll divide into small groups , while you 're watching it I 'll co I 'll count how , however many people we 've got here , we 'll copy the reviews and in the same groups I want you to edit one another 's reviews and then er discuss them within the groups once you 've , once you 've marked them so we 'll get into the small , we 'll do the review we 'll write the review and then we will er , I distribute the , you can go and have a cup of coffee while we copy them , then we 'll distribute them , you can mark them , er individually on your own and then we 'll get into a group and you can criticize one another 's reviews , we 'll take them one at a time , we 'll probably be in groups of four , okay , but I 'll see , I 'll see how many , what the most suitable number is , okay so , if you , would you be kind enough to that
2 And then we 'll get you back onto them after five or six days , Gerald .
3 And then we 'll get to the barn , wo n't we , Dorcas ? ’ said Nooty .
4 No I agree with that , I think you 've got to yes we 'll agree that and also hopefully by then we 'll have clarity the clarity on the salary and then we 'll get in there in which case you 're laughing , right
5 Good about everything , good salesmen , erm , but I think we do have to take er , Jack 's thoughts on that , that really perhaps we are begging the question when we , just forget ourselves and keep going till three , four o'clock in the morning whatever it is , and then we 'll get in the car and drive home .
6 Well maybe that 's a good idea really and then we 'll get rid of one .
7 and then we 'll get on the bus about half past four and bring him to your house .
8 Well if I get this letter done and then we 'll get the envelope , get the stuff for Malta , sort out what I 'm gon na send
9 So we 've got and then d' ya think we 'll like get poetry and then we 'll get our last ?
10 And then we would get the evangelists staying for a fortnight at a time , holding services every night asking people to come forward and rededicate themselves .
11 I 'll phone up and then we ought to get you something .
12 So that was the start of and lots of different And then we used to get er maybe a wee special jobs in for antiques .
13 And then we 'd get onto the roof with the little tiny rivets , quarter inch rivets .
14 As soon as we 'd packed all the stuff in the ba van we 'd have the rest of the sandwiches the rest of the coffee or another cup of coffee and then we 'd get on the road and even if we 'd got back for four , by the time we 'd got home and , and had something to eat or if we did n't want nothing to eat , watched the telly for half an hour and get to bed , you 've got from eleven till sort of three or four the next day which is just nice because you 're in your own home
15 ‘ One glass of champagne , and then we must get down there . ’
16 So , for example , if I rented a tape and I saw someone I liked , I could call the central distributor for that person 's number and then we could get together . ’
17 So put your coat on and then we can get out of here … ’
18 And then we can get on with our lives .
19 That brings us to quarter past ten , I suspect that there 's , tea and coffee 's out there then , and if it is , I think we 'll have the break just a bit earlier , and then we can get into it when .
20 I 'm just gon na make a building and then we can get ready .
21 And let's face it when they go to school they can have free school dinners and then we can get them free clothes as well ca n't we ?
22 And then we can get two different rice .
23 And then they used to get , they used to be in Jackie , he always gathered bags and
24 Like to know though , in case it is anything to do with Nigel and then they can get it sorted out .
25 I thought well he 's better off going to nurse and then she 'll get that magnifying glass and have a look .
26 And then she must get down to flat-hunting .
27 Well topped up with these , thought Boyd as he hunted for the bread knife , she would be in a much more amicable mood , and then he might get somewhere with her .
28 ‘ He 'll drag her round everywhere for a time , ’ said Beuno , ‘ and then he 'll get sick of her , or find some other girl who takes his fancy .
29 Dadda only smoked when he was contented and then he would get through forty or fifty a day , bringing on a cough and staining his fingers yellow-brown .
30 And then he 'd get up at two in the morning and start painting .
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