Example sentences of "and when [pron] [vb past] she " in BNC.

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1 And when they reached her , she said , ‘ He 's taken an overdose . ’
2 I was just thinking that maybe at the beginning of the day people could , if she knows who is due she could actually write that in , and when they came she could just tick that that they 'd arrived .
3 And when they asked her why the yellow ribbon ,
4 She was godmother to my baby , and when it grew she took to it , and used to have it about her at the Castle , saying to everyone it was an orphan .
5 But that only happened sometimes and when it did she would take out her account book and force herself to concentrate on its columns till the dangerous exhilaration had gone .
6 The small , soft sound took a while to register , and when it did she looked up , startled .
7 And when I left her before I left the others .
8 Mrs Webster was very understanding about my wanting to team up with Wendy , which was how I put it to her ; and when I left she gave me a Victorian glass inkwell and a brown ironstone plate , because I ‘ liked old things ’ .
9 Well , while we were having this conversation , there was a lady in the office who used to work for Fred Astaire and when I left she rang him up .
10 At the end of two years she applied for jobs with various banks and when I met her she had just been accepted as a trainee accounting technician .
11 And when I asked her why …
12 I ran to catch Liza up and when I asked her where they were she hesitated before replying .
13 I also found an envelope lying around in the bathroom the other day with a list of numbers on the back , and when I asked her about it , she took it silently out of my hand .
14 And when I asked her what she was doing with it , Emma — or maybe it was Sophie — told me that it had been dropped by two men , who were fighting each other behind some trees on the other side of the park . ’
15 But Miss Blagden , whom I met by chance yesterday , is going to Rome and when I told her the absurdity of your request she volunteered to carry your ridiculous weapon saying she had always had a fancy to be a gun-runner and that it would be a tale to tell her friends and astonish them .
16 She runs a sort of company for readings and uncostumed actings of unusual plays , and when I told her about Unisoculous she said she would put it on .
17 When she finally went to the family planning clinic , the woman she saw was not very sympathetic , she said " What school do you go to ? " and when I told her she said " You 've really thrown away your chances . " "
18 I know you were so specific , but this is a fabulous kid and when I told her all about you , she just begged me to let her stop by and say hello . ’ ) .
19 And when I saw her again I asked her about what had happened , the name of the family , just offhand .
20 And when I reminded her of our meeting with the Emissary , she had to agree .
21 And and when I rang her she said yeah bring the card over in the morning if you like .
22 And when you saw her what did you think ?
23 Chris 's sister-in-law loved the baby and when he died she was so upset she told Chris that little Tommy had never had a chance .
24 And when he came she went , in passive silence , to his bedroom , took off her clothes at his direction lay down on his bed , her arms above her head , her body outstretched and unresisting , and closed her eyes .
25 ‘ She met some guy in there that day , some guy she used to go with , and he must 've said something because the next thing anyone knew , she was screaming at him , Pete was in the bar the morning after , he said the window was all over the floor , apparently she 'd thrown an ashtray at the guy and it had missed and taken the whole window out instead , and when he took her by the arm and tried to calm her down , she shook him off and ran out of the bar , right out in the street , and like I said , it was the bottom of a hill and there was a truck coming — ‘
26 She loved everything about this man , and when he took her she tried to stifle the cry of pain .
27 She 'd offered to lend him the money to have the bike fixed , and when he accepted she said , ‘ I 've broken something precious , have n't I ? ’ and knelt in the street among the bits of glass , looking up at him as if she understood it was more than a lamp she had smashed .
28 it did not pacify Madge , he wrote , and when he told her they could have another go at it the following month she told him she had had enough .
29 He said he had , and when he told her , he said , she seemed to relax all over .
30 A silver fish-hook tangled in his curls , dangled by Izzie , and when he woke she was tugging gently on his hair .
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