Example sentences of "and when [vb pp] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Rainforest soils are usually very poor and when exposed to the harsh sun and heavy tropical rains , their fertility is soon washed away .
2 They also argue that the waste of resources associated with the ex post coordination of supply and demand through markets is as nothing when set against the loss of production associated with the weak incentives of a planned economy and when compared to the inefficiency , bungling and corruption of every economic planning bureaucracy yet devised .
3 The pens come in a wide range of colours and when tested on the Knitleader sheet the markings were clear and washed off easily with some damp kitchen roll .
4 On paper , though , and when played on the piano , it can sometimes seem awkward .
5 Differences here clearly warrant further investigation , and when revealed to the participating teams provoked considerable discussion .
6 The colours of the hood merge from black to brown to beige , and when framed against the sunlight it appears almost translucent .
7 Tonks also attended Saturday 's game and when asked about the situation , he smiled confidently and said : ‘ We are hoping to announce something early in the week . ’
8 The marginal platforms appear to have prograded over the top of the mud aprons and when combined with the latter , form lenticular bodies of sediments ( Figs .
9 The action on this example has been set quite low and when combined with the almost flat radius of the fingerboard and the slim neck , feels very rock'n'roll indeed .
10 These important rights mean that the safety representatives must be consulted by the employer well before action is taken and when combined with the existing functions of safety representatives , they provide extensive rights to organize around health and safety at the workplace .
11 The lacinia is commonly spined or toothed on its inner border and when fused with the subgalea it has the appearance of carrying the galea .
12 3.4 The Distributor agrees to enter into a Trade Mark Licence Agreement with the Publisher to use the Publisher 's Trade Mark if and when requested by the Publisher
13 4.4 The Distributor agrees to enter into a Trade Mark Licence Agreement with the Publisher to use the Publisher 's Trade Marks if and when requested by the Publisher .
14 4.4 The Distributor agrees to enter into a Trade Mark Licence Agreement with the Publisher to use the Publisher 's Trade Marks if and when requested by the Publisher .
15 4.4 The Distributor agrees to enter into a Trade Mark Licence Agreement with the Publisher to use the Publisher 's Trade Marks if and when requested by the Publisher .
16 Yes , yes , it 's covered by the note underneath , where it says that independent schools receive inspections and advice as and when requested by the D O E .
17 Just under half the arable area was grazed and when added to the permanent grass area this made a total of 5,700 ha .
18 It is one of the most FUN and PURPOSEFUL things I have every been involved with — and when interviewed on the BBC RADIO in May about it , I said that I thought industry and commerce could take a leaf out of our book and learn something from the spirit of common purpose , good humour and teamsmanship — a statement provocative enough to get transmitted , as you might imagine .
19 He was unassuming in his manners , and when relieved from the cares of business , was a cheerful and agreeable companion .
20 They glower from early summer and when planted with the dainty violas such as ‘ Jackanapes ’ , they make an attractive planting to add colour between the winter and summer bedding .
21 The natural function of the bassoon is to provide the bass of the woodwind group , but it is frequently used as a melodic instrument , both ‘ solo ’ and when doubled in the upper octave by another wind instrument or sometimes by the violins .
22 One way in which the black economy can be estimated is through the difference between National Income when measured by the income method , and when measured by the expenditure method .
23 And when put to the test , they were nothing more .
24 Different types of food can also be cooked at the same time , such as batch baking in one oven and reheating smaller items as and when required in the other .
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