Example sentences of "and an [adj] [noun] from " in BNC.

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1 FOOD GROUP produced an excellent result for 1992 , with all four companies increasing profits over the previous year and an outstanding performance from .
2 Unfortunately I had not realised that a stern rope had already been passed to the ship and an indignant shout from my crew on the after deck drew my attention to the long nylon rope which was now snaking dangerously round the bollards as we drew away .
3 This device is a spatial filter with two antagonistic inputs , an excitatory input from a narrow central region and an inhibitory input from a broader region that covers the centre but extends beyond its boundaries .
4 For all its popularity , TCS is essentially a shoe-string operation with an annual government input of £12million and an equal contribution from industry .
5 For all its popularity , TCS is essentially a shoe-string operation with an annual government input of £12million and an equal contribution from industry .
6 Hardly able to believe it and almost shaking with relief , I climbed through this ‘ window ’ and stepped out on the shaly slopes of Bla Bheinn , quite near the normal path on the east ridge and an easy walk from the top .
7 And a sickening stench of stale alcohol and stale smoke and an awful smell from the lavatories .
8 The ancient Chinese claimed it promoted longevity and an Egyptian papyrus from 1500 BC recommends garlic for 22 different complaints such as headaches , sore throats and physical weakness .
9 Just a buffet meal after the registration , and an introductory talk from Anthea ; the real nitty-gritty begins on Friday morning . ’
10 This meant a quick goodbye at the Hall , and an instant disappearance from Diane .
11 He does n't want any more children at the moment — he has a 22-year-old son from his first marriage and an eight-year-old daughter from his second — and she is prepared to wait .
12 Oh , he said , I expect in a minute the door will be flung back and I 'll be dragged off to some sort of temple arena where I 'll fight maybe a couple of giant spiders and an eight-foot slave from the jungles of Klatch and then I 'll rescue some kind of a princess from the altar and then kill off a few guards or whatever and then this girl will show me the secret passage out of the place and we 'll liberate a couple of horses and escape with the treasure . ’
13 Megill himself , in his discussion of Derrida , as in the whole of his book , combines detailed knowledge of the texts , sympathetic treatment of his subject , and an ultimate detachment from it , so that it is not easy to discern his own attitudes .
14 And an invaluable inheritance from lead miner , linen weaver and gentleman scientist .
15 The writer remarked that he had ‘ never doubted but that he had succeeded in his place by a commission from the Treasury untill of late that I discovered that he only officiated by orders and an interim warrand from the Commissioners of Customs ’ .
16 Mention a ouija board at Confession and it would be three Hail Marys and an extra Mass from Father O'Flaherty , soon as look at you it would .
17 There was a cake , good Australian fizz and an impromptu cabaret from the classical guitarist John Williams , the singer Cleo Lane and her jazz musician husband John Dankworth .
18 A round-up of books for the Smallholder and an exclusive extract from a new book on keeping cattle
19 Clearly the idea of water as a sanctity and an unfailing refuge from the Dark Lord had started to appeal to him ; and in ‘ The Hunt for the Ring ’ , accordingly , a sort of coda to The Lord of the Rings written c .
20 From the teacher 's point of view this is acceptable up to a point , but in excess leads to an exasperating lack of response and an apparent stolidity from girls .
21 So basically there were two years between those two albums , and an enormous transformation from a group of naive songwriters to a fully-fledged band .
22 His harrowing journey of realisation , acceptance , communication ( through head-tapped morse code ) and an eventual blow-job from a sympathetic nurse is as strong an anti-war statement as yet committed to celluloid .
23 His previous piece of language law ( Bill 178 in 1988 ) prompted a barrage of protest from English Canada — and an answering volley from Quebec — because he had resorted to an obscure constitutional loophole in order to override a Supreme Court decision on freedom of expression .
24 King Coilus 's horn is a priceless relic and an important item from Ayrshire 's history .
25 Six Broadstairs matrons attempting to shop at Marchesi 's the confectioners , two errand boys buying bloaters from Mr Goodman the fishmonger , a few afternoon revellers strolling out from the Dolphin Inn and an eager group from the Tourist Cycling Club staying at the Balmoral Bijou Hotel found themselves swept along with the crowd as they pursued their leaders down Harbour Street under the ancient York Gate ( which being without specific Dickensian associations hardly received a glance ) .
26 Bastian was elected FRS in 1868 , served as a censor of the Royal College of Physicians of London ( 1897–8 ) , and later received an honorary fellowship of the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland and an honorary MD from the Royal University of Ireland .
27 His many academic distinctions included a fellowship in the pre-war Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences , and an honorary doctorate from Harvard University at their tercentenary celebrations in 1936 .
28 To investigate the molecular basis for the wide specificity of protein G for IgG , we prepared crystals of the complex between the third IgG-binding domain of protein G and an Fab fragment from mouse IgG1 ( ref. 5 ) .
29 A typical arrangement would be : chairman , from the personnel department ; line manager , the employing officer ; and an independent person from another activity in the company .
30 He insisted that democratic reforms for the colony would go ahead in spite of China 's opposition and an angry outburst from the Chinese premier , Li Peng , who has accused Britain of trying to wreck the colony .
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