Example sentences of "and an [noun] of [adj] " in BNC.

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1 At the banquet and on behalf of the Company , Sir Crisp presented to the School a silver cup and cover " as a memento of this great occasion and an emblem of good luck in the future " .
2 The moderate Anglicanism for which Wilkins stood is sometimes described as ‘ latitudinarian , ’ to indicate a breadth of mind and an attitude of religious toleration , at variance with the demands of puritan enthusiasts , whose overbearing self-assurance on the finer points of doctrine could be distasteful .
3 Unfortunately until the palace has decent public relations advisers and an attitude of complete openness , the opposite will happen . ’
4 The Uprising was primarily a rejection of Israeli rule and an affirmation of Palestinian identity , but it was also a rejection of American interference .
5 That was virtually the end of his two-lap running but his miling exploits continued , stubbed by the war and an attack of glandular fever .
6 As we have just seen , sometimes horses can not cope with a situation that causes them great anxiety , and an attack of colic is the result .
7 The availability of a wide range of information sources and transmission media gives management and professional staffs , in particular , the ability to make informed decisions based on an up-to-date picture of a situation , and an awareness of alternative responses and their likely consequences .
8 The third period , beginning after the Second World War , had distinctive features of its own , above all in Western Europe : a greater degree of government intervention in the economy , particularly in the construction of welfare states ; a continuation , and in some countries an extension , of wartime planning , and an expansion of public ownership or of various forms of ‘ social partnership ’ .
9 Something of an intellectual among surfers , Lynch has a weekly column in a Sydney newspaper and an air of philosophical detachment .
10 A slender man with a wisp of grey beard and an air of pleasant idleness was lying on one elbow beside a yew .
11 She was a calm , pleasant-faced lady with glasses , perhaps in her fifties , with a musical upper-class accent and an air of quiet confidence .
12 In its fuller forms this is an ecstatic experience with mystical implications , and an experience of supreme intensity : rapturous , but also terrifying .
13 Alcoholism , depression and an intensity of Presbyterian self-chastisement were abundantly in evidence , with the occasional nervous collapse or suicide .
14 Further down the lane the fields came to an abrupt end and an expanse of open ground stretched in front of her .
15 Yet despite predictability beyond the nth degree and an overload of musical montages , The Cutting Edge is insanely entertaining .
16 State and local authorities struggle on with a handful of experts , usually on loan from the west , and an army of communist-trained bureaucrats lacking the faintest idea how a market economy works .
17 The words had hung on the air , heavy with innuendo , and an act of simple kindness had been spoiled .
18 Distribution of mucosal pathology and an assessment of colonic phenotypic change in the pelvic ileal reservoir
19 Because of the seriousness of this issue , the second section of this chapter is devoted to an analysis of the background to the Kosovo problem and an assessment of current policies towards it .
20 This chapter seeks to offer a broad description of the eurobond market ; an economic analysis of its behaviour , microstructure and reasons for location in London ; and an assessment of certain key issues relating to prospects for the eurobond market and its location in London .
21 Basically this calls for an identification of present requirements and an assessment of likely requirements over the next 5 years , subject to review/upgrading in year 6 ; it may be that our letter conveyed the impression that we were asking for a ‘ 12-year plan ’ , this is not the case .
22 If all of the remaining ( n - 1 ) markets respond in a manner similar to the one outlined above , aggregation across labour markets will yield a determinate relationship between the overall rate of change of money wages , , and an index of aggregate excess demand for labour , X L , where defined as the ratio .
23 The Legal Affairs Minister , Roger Chonwe , declared that to detain people without charge would be illegal and an abuse of human rights .
24 He used his varied talents as a soil improver , a collector and grower of newly available exotic trees and shrubs , and an impresario of entertaining devices , ranging from a water-wheel pump to a grotto , a hermitage , and rare sculptures and follies , ingeniously placed to create a series of agreeable surprises on a tour revealing successive aspects of nature presented in terms of art .
25 She rose from her chair with a skiff of nylon upon nylon and an aroma of strong perfume .
26 It was n't Peter 's boyish hand as expected , but a more mature , altogether more powerful one , with a white cuff and an inch of dark dinner-jacket jutting between the curtains .
27 There were no pictures on the walls but on the mantelpiece , amongst a random collection of odds and ends , there was a framed photograph of an elderly woman ; her hair was gathered into an old-fashioned bun on the top of her head ; she had a smooth , rather spoilt face and an expression of absolute serenity .
28 She wore a tracksuit and an expression of deep sympathy .
29 The director was a small , pink-cheeked man with bottle-shaped shoulders and an expression of misleading blankness .
30 Prussian reaction to the French Revolution and the advent of modernity was a headlong flight into the past , and an expression of firm resistance to the new order .
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