Example sentences of "and an [noun] [prep] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Thus we see that in the narrow sense of the term ‘ elite ’ , as used by Mosca , group consciousness entailing a sharing of attitudes towards relevant issues , and an awareness of so doing , is a necessary characteristic of the elite .
2 The central communications office of HMS Omega was large and surprisingly light , with white-painted bulkheads and an excess of highly polished copper and brass .
3 As I mentioned above , the Chart parser has two other components in addition to the global data structure : a task queuing structure , the Agenda , and an algorithm for automatically extending interpretations on the Chart , the Fundamental Rule .
4 The people of God , therefore , have a stake in today and an inheritance for tomorrow .
5 After three years of more or less benevolent autocracy , Valery Gergiev is happy with the facts about his Kirov company : the fact that for the 1989–90 season , very much against the malingering influence of Leningrad 's cultural bureaucrats and an army of silently disapproving critics , he headed straight for uncut Mussorgsky ( original Boris , Shostakovich- orchestrated Khovanshchina , Sorochinsky Fair , The Marriage , Salammbô ) ; and the fact that the following year , with the situation in newly-renamed St Petersburg worsening day by day , he set about four Prokofiev operas within a matter of months .
6 The Good Gardens Guide 1992 ( Vermilion , £11.99 ) provides comprehensive information and an assessment of about 1,000 gardens .
7 In a rapidly changing profession the instinctive caution of the most senior practitioners , however much their experience is enormously valuable on other counts , can on occasion prove an obstacle to their firm 's growth and an irritant to more progressive junior colleagues .
8 These would include their physical agility with regard to fine control ; visual skills in , say , doing jigsaws ; a memory for exact detail without real comprehension , or an immediate recognition of music , and an ability to instantly reproduce it .
9 He had a flowing white mane , and an expression of vaguely inscrutable self-possession , giving him somewhat the air of a Nordic Chinese Mandarin .
10 Someone sent somebody out to kill two hens ; a local gentleman , knowing the lie of the land , sent his servant to the inn with rum and sugar and an apology for not knowing of their arrival in sufficient time to put them up , and he had to leave for Inverness at the crack of dawn ; Boswell still had some bread despite the amount he had doled out to the Macraes .
11 In 1882 he joined Tangye Ltd. in Birmingham and soon became head of the lifting machinery department and an expert in hydraulically operated machinery .
12 The hon. Gentleman knows only too well that in his autumn statement my right hon. Friend the Chancellor was able to announce a £1.4 billion boost to the railways and London Transport and an increase of more than 10 per cent .
13 Chesterton said that ‘ tradition is the democracy of the dead ’ but in France ‘ the dead ’ get a seat in parliament , together with three secretaries each , interest-free loans , subsidised foreign travel and an income of about £40,000 , half of which is tax free .
14 The publishing and printing house has since grown to become self-financing , with a staff of 214 employees and an output of over 850 titles a year .
15 Mr Esnaola claimed that 200 Basque clergymen publicly support Herri Batasuna 's call for greater independence from Madrid and an amnesty for nearly 500 ETA terrorists in jail or exile .
16 Such an insider 's account will therefore hopefully achieve the ‘ finer grain and detail ’ MacDonald ( 1987 ) demanded of postmodern ‘ anthropology at home ’ , while ‘ practical mastery ’ of the ethnographic field should reduce the problems faced by McCabe and Sutcliffe ( 1978 ) , who set out to pursue participant observation on the police and found that ‘ it would be necessary for anyone wishing to fully understand the process of policing to take into account the difficulties in gaining access and an understanding of just what was going on ’ .
17 Skilled maintenance engineers , apart from using test procedures and maintenance manuals , use their intuition or heuristics and an understanding of how the system works to solve problems .
18 We 've come a long way from the free-standing stove with four burners and an oven with maybe a separate grill or broiler .
19 A waterproof khaki bag to hang from one shoulder , a long black leather rod-case to hang from the other , and an assortment of neatly dangling nets , stools and bait-boxes .
20 They bought white cotton sheets with lace borders and matching pillow-cases , blue towels with white alamandas appliquéd on one corner , a collection of decorative shells for Elaine 's bathroom , and an assortment of locally made wicker baskets .
21 Waiting for him in the studio seven people are busy setting up the camera and lights and unwrapping white plaster pillars and an assortment of very beautiful chairs and tables .
22 By March 1930 , with a mere 26 league games plus one FA Cup appearance for Palace to his name , and an average of exactly one goal per match , Simpson had attracted the attentions of the big clubs .
23 Nearly 450 men are engaged here and an average of over 60 vehicles can be turned out every week .
24 Assuming an oil price of about $33 for the fourth quarter of 1990 , and an average of about $30 for 1991 , inflation was expected to rise above 5 per cent in 1990 and stay at similar levels in 1991 .
25 For I was shrieking with laughter at some of the unintentional one-liners and an alien about as terrifying as E.T .
26 The starting point for planning your presentation should be recognition of the particular needs of your audience , along with your own needs and an analysis of how they match up .
27 After his reforms a French 12-pounder gun could be drawn by only six horses and an 8-pounder by only four ( in each case about one-third of the number needed two centuries earlier ) while the interchangeable parts which he introduced made it possible to carry out repairs and replacements with hitherto unheard-of speed .
28 Germans now are Europeans in a way they were not before , and indeed the demand of East Germans that they be allowed to be Europeans , with the same wide-ranging and unquestioned rights to travel , study , and residence as the rest of us was both a catalyst and an indication of how much things have changed .
29 Germans now are Europeans in a way they were not before , and indeed the demand of East Germans that they be allowed to be Europeans , with the same wide-ranging and unquestioned rights to travel , study , and residence as the rest of us was both a catalyst and an indication of how much things have changed .
30 Sold for £110,000 at Phillips in 1991 with an attribution to the workshop of Ugolino di Nerio and an estimate of less than £20,000 , Gentile da Fabriano 's ‘ Crucifixion ’ is now on sale at Agnew 's .
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