Example sentences of "and we [vb mod] also [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Yes , we would like to er certainly see er training become compulsory with trustees and we would also like to see er guidelines set er for that particular training , so that train so that the trustees within all schemes would receive similar training , rather than piece-meal by one set of actuaries or another set of actuaries .
2 One witch said , ‘ It is a powerful tool in the occult and we would also warn anybody who does not know what they are doing to stay well clear of the ouija . ’
3 We usually have some warning when one of these changes is about to happen and we may also have the worry about this change balanced by the excitement that a change in circumstances often brings .
4 If we are prone to hyperventilating during panic attacks , and otherwise at times of increased anxiety , we must learn techniques which help us to breathe more slowly and deeply , from the stomach rather than the chest , and we may also need to rebreathe our own air , breathing into and out of a paper bag , or cupping our hands close to our mouth to catch and rebreathe the exhaled air .
5 Whether or not you decide to subscribe , you can keep the free magazines , and we 'll also give you a full colour map of the world PLUS another gift .
6 Er , My Lord we will obviously calculate such interest that has to be calculated er and figures have to be sorted out and will be agreed if that is appropriate , er and we 'll also consider whether it 's proper er to seek to achieve a structured settlement .
7 But they certainly should n't be encouraged to go into strangers ' houses and we 'd also ask er people who perhaps do have children knocking on their door not to invite them in either .
8 So I we would like to see erm tax incentives for investment in the equity of unquoted companies and we 'd also like to see gains tax incentives for the realization of those investments a when when they pay it off .
9 The feature close would have the value + for , , , , and we could also use this for and if we adopt the convention that most of the features will be used to classify the first part of the diphthongs .
10 We had one free day each week — any one of our choice — and we could also elect to work for twelve days consecutively and then have two days off .
11 ‘ Yes , and we could also try her on an identity parade , see if she can remember him . ’
12 But we have been in this type of business for longer and will score on our expertise and we will also benefit from the ability we have through branch offices to handle claims . ’
13 But we have been in this type of business for longer and will score on our expertise and we will also benefit from the ability we have through branch offices to handle claims . ’
14 Yes , at fifty instead of sixty , they said you retire at age fifty and we will make your pension up to what you would have got at age sixty and we will also do the same with you lump sum and so now you know , this and they did that with thirty thousand I think went in one year , it does n't take long to get rid of one point seven billion pounds when you 're doing for that er that number of people erm and
15 The Handel Suites are also under discussion and we will also take in the complete Beethoven concertos and the Choral Fantasia and the Diabelli Variations which , together with Bach 's Goldberg , represent the greatest of all keyboard variations .
16 In an M-tense system we can easily distinguish past ( events completed prior to CT ) , from present ( events whose span includes CT ) , from future ( events succeeding CT ) ; we can further distinguish points from spans ( Lyons , 1977a : 683 ) ; and we can also make first approximations to complex tenses like the Pluperfect , by representing events that are prior to other events , which are themselves prior to CT ( Reichenbach , 1947 : 288ff ; see also Allwood , Andersson & Dahl , 1977 : 121ff ) .
17 So we want to draw a picture , that 's all a graph is , a picture so it 's eas so we can get a good idea of what 's happening and we can also read off at any time .
18 Lobbies of local councillors for improvements in street lighting should be organized , campaigns organized in conjunction with trade councils would raise awareness of the general public and we should also involve the transport unions .
19 And we should also have a fire escape plan .
20 However , there is no particular reason to confine ourselves to constant per unit prices , and we should also consider non linear outlay schedules , in which charges are not strictly proportional to the number of units purchased .
21 And we should also discuss the re-planting programme with Jacques . ’
22 If there is a disturbance at the periphery we already know some observation sentences which we have to revise , and we must also make a revision in the interior , for our original theory has been proved false .
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