Example sentences of "and we [verb] that [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Carella had taken the number of the taxi and we discovered that it had dropped the suspect outside the San Gallicano hospital in Trastevere .
2 Then , all of a sudden , he did n't come into the office any more and we discovered that he had been recruited by the Moonies over there .
3 I presided over a the Criminal Law Revision Committee when we reviewed the law relating to rape and we discovered that there was this myth that women asked for rape .
4 When we meet — and we do meet sometimes — we tell each other crazy stories , and we pretend that they 're true . ’
5 They [ theoretical differences ] are not resolved really ; they continue as quite big arguments ; and there are quite big camps really of those who believe in theory and those who believe in scholarship , I suppose ; and we pretend that you can just muddle along and it does n't matter , but the crunch comes at things like marking exam papers , because if you 've got a student who 's heavily into theory , writing for a marker who 's heavily not into theory , then they tend to say things like ‘ oh , he 's just read Terry Eagleton , so blah blah blah ’ or ‘ she 's just read Cate Belsey and regurgitated that ’ so someone can get a bad mark because they 've written for the wrong person .
6 Erm I would like to formally second Mr because I followed a situation where the previous minister had baptised anyone and when I arrived I discussed with the session what our policy on baptism was and we concurred that we should follow the nineteen sixty three law but apply it under grace and with the spirit of God in mind and we had some very difficult situations when people said to me no I have no time for God in my life but I want you to baptise my baby .
7 Omar learnt that he was related to the Sultan , and we hoped that we might persuade him to provide us with a guide to Aussa .
8 The one occasion on which the Government did not cheat on the payments was earlier this year and we hoped that it had something to do with the Adjournment debate .
9 Here we fused the scFv fragment close to the N-terminus of gp70 SU and we envisage that it is folded and displayed as a separate domain .
10 part of that section is valid , and we say and we pleaded that it 's not so forth
11 Its temperature , on the other hand , does change , and we assume that its rate of change is proportional to the difference between ambient temperature and its temperature which may be rewritten where J and K are positive constants .
12 Our existing residents will continue to get social security funding for their rent and we assume that we will still get grants from the health authority and social services for our running costs .
13 Right , okay , the other thing I was going to ask about we , we had a big promotion of Amnesty by The Body Shop , last year , er and we noticed that Our Price were also going to do promotion of Amnesty and we asked , wonder if we look into local shops and see what they could find out and what was going on , did you find anything ?
14 Now those Next Directory customers , they pay for a delivery service whereas with like the Grattan and it 's free you do n't they pay for delivery and we guarantee that they will get forty eight hour delivery service
15 The trade is booming er there 's a lot of er of people coming across as you know and we estimate that there are in the region of er three million peop er British people coming a year in Calais .
16 Costs could be reduced further by screening more patients per unit time , and we estimate that it should be possible to screen 2500 patients a year once the screening programme is established ( our costs are based on screening 1800 per year ) .
17 Now we 're not arguing that the calculation should go beyond past land take-up and er counting the heads of those who would be employed , we w we would follow a similar process and we recognize that there are needs beyond that .
18 We need to understand the position of the Sanhedrin , Jesus is really representing great changes in their tradition great a great revolution really and we know that what he was doing was was sort of getting Christianity to grow out of Judaism , but it meant that Judaism had to move to one side .
19 erm Nonetheless , while we want to carry on supporting that , we 've also got to think , as Jack said , erm of as we enter the next century what is going to be right for our children , and we know that in many ways we have failed them and we know that we are producing many children who have n't had the training and the education that 's going to be necessary for us to be erm economically competent in the future , so we 've got to look at the whole of our educational provision , and frankly I think opting out was erm a sort of unnecessary blip on all of this that is n't really terribly important in the whole issue of how the children in this country should be educated .
20 And we know that our ancestors kept twelve days of revelry for some feast or other .
21 Originally I thought the ground might be too soft for her , making it a real test of stamina , and we know that she only just gets the trip .
22 Of these the most conservative was Porta , who as late as 1578 could publish an old-fashioned cantus firmus Mass on the Josquin subject ‘ La sol fa re mi ’ and who corresponded with Carlo Borromeo ; on the other hand , his Magnificat for the Franciscan Chapter at Bologna was in 24 parts and we know that he frequently employed trombones , cornetts , violins , and portative organs as well as the large ones at San Antonio , Padua , where he spent the last six years of his life .
23 Does the Minister accept that although some of us may have a disagreement with Bruce Millan , we have known him for many years and we know that he has always been , and is , punctilious in the exercise of his duties ?
24 And we know that he was left this red chest of Flanders so we sought for a Flanders chest , that 's a chest probably actually made in North Germany but imported through Flanders and we found a Yorkshire example in a place called near Ripon .
25 Now we 're delighted to see you here because we know that the , the G M B shares this view and we know that you 've also been in the forefront of introducing technology , er and we know also that having you here er , having your conference here , helps us enormously to continue this process of raising the profile of the trades unions , the trades council , the labour movement in the city .
26 Nothing like this concentration of naval power had ever been seen in Vietnam ; and we know that it was at least inspected by Vietnamese nationalists who may also have tried to make contact with Russian sailors .
27 And we know that it 's easier to get through a hospital now , appointment times are met , there 's less anonymity and more explanation to the patient of what 's happening next — the fact that we do know this because of surveys and face-to-face interviews itself comes from a culture of establishing objectives that matter . ’
28 It is not so , except perhaps in the most formal of speaking styles , where a sentence may fall to a low point in the voice and be followed by a substantial silence , and we know that it has come to an end .
29 It is not always in the right and we know that it is not .
30 we 've looked at the landlord tenant relationship before , erm and , and we know that it 's got worse , you know , with the nineteen thirties and the world depression
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