Example sentences of "and she [verb] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 And she discovered a telephone ear-piece extension which allows her to listen and repeat the words of a caller to him .
2 I smiled at her , and she jammed a copy of Pravda into my hand , her smile still ticking over .
3 Their bed had a wooden footboard and she saw a flicker of movement behind it in the half-light .
4 As her silence lengthened a muscle flexed in his jaw and she saw a flicker of murderous rage in his eye for one instant .
5 She heard a footfall , she pressed herself back , keeping an eye on the street ; in a doorway , further on , a silhouette detached itself for a moment , and she saw a man throw his head back and shake it as if intoxicated , while holding his arms extended , and she fancied she heard him speak to his own fidanzata of that evening , she imagined him murmuring about her hair — as dark as a raven 's wing , perhaps ?
6 A lot of people came in , and she saw a man and his wife .
7 Just as she reached it , the light from a lantern spilled on to the square , and she saw a man enter the place behind it .
8 The door opened six inches and she saw a sliver of dark landing , stairs coiling away to the street .
9 He waited , and she saw a hint of amusement in his face .
10 He frowned and she saw a muscle twitch in his jaw .
11 And she saw a soldier 's face , permanently browned and weathered by sun and wind .
12 She began to say , ‘ Thank God … ’ then halted , as the door swung open and she saw a figure momentarily silhouetted against the pale evening light .
13 It had been shapeless and unflattering , and she looked a lot better without it .
14 But the eight-time Wimbledon champion lost the first set as the Czechoslovak brought her down with her huge serve and she looked a bag of nerves .
15 I go back and sit down again , and she takes a hold of my hand and squeezes it like she 's saying sorry or summat .
16 ‘ Perhaps she 's been thinking things out and she feels a bit sorry for you . ’
17 For a long moment he lay where he was , and she knew a second 's real apprehension .
18 The small aircraft bucked and tossed , throwing her forward , then something caught her a glancing blow and she knew a moment 's pain before the blessed darkness closed in .
19 and she told a lot of other people and so I think we got a pretty comprehensive list actually .
20 With treacherous defiance , her eyes closed , abandoning her to her fate like the rest of her body , and she felt a despair that her brain was so languid that it was n't helping her to deny him .
21 Her altered tastebuds tingled , and she felt a spasm of pleasure in her stomach .
22 He regarded her calmly through dark-rimmed spectacles and she felt a burst of unusual irritation .
23 He sounded as if he was thoroughly disgusted by the whole business and she felt a pang of dismay .
24 Then she realised that he must be hungry and she felt a pang of that pity which is akin to love .
25 It reminded her of Hilda , and she felt a wave of panic , but fought it down .
26 The familiar blue eyes searched her familiarly , and she felt a wave of colour seep into her cheeks , but there was nothing particularly friendly in his welcome .
27 He squealed at the intrusion , and she felt a shudder run through his body .
28 He kissed her lingeringly as if he had all the time in the world and she felt a shudder run through her at the response he was forcing from her with so little effort .
29 One of his rawboned hands descended on her shoulder and she felt a flash of excitement .
30 Skinner was looking at her , and she felt a caress of terror .
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