Example sentences of "and she [verb] [pron] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 She was called to the phone just before breakfast and she knew who it was before she even heard that deep Australian twang .
2 And she knew who it was they were discussing .
3 Apparently he came to the office to get her telephone number and she told him we had them . ’
4 But then the lady came back on again — you know , the one who spoke to me first — and she said ‘ Thank you very much , ’ and she told me they were going to send me a prize of — wait for it — 5 .
5 Last week I went to a fortune teller and she told me I would have another child even though I do n't want to .
6 It 's only appeared in Harlow and she told me it would get in the Bishop 's Stortford one but it has n't so far .
7 And she told me she had n't got a boy-friend ! ’ said Bella .
8 Rachel asked suddenly as they drank black coffee , because the question had been burning on her mind for some time , and she told herself it was important strategically to find out , although she suspected the truth was that he fascinated her .
9 And she told us we were gon na move to a house with a green door .
10 And she had everything she had ever dreamed of — more .
11 She was like a little princess in the family ; my mother gave in to her in everything and she had whatever she fancied .
12 I had queried his dose of Dexamethazone with a nurse earlier , and she assured me he was getting it in his drip , but I have a suspicion that it had been reduced or even forgotten .
13 She tells me that when she was a nippy ( of course I say what 's a nippy and she tells me it 's a waitress ) the worst sin the girls could commit , sackable instantly , was to whirl the pencils which were attached by string to their aprons .
14 And here she 's telling Ruth , now what you 've got ta do , she 's she 's got him , she 's got her introduced to Boaz and she tells him it 's a strange custom , one that 's perhaps even stranger in our eyes today but there er after the party , the great harvest supper she 's , the the they lie down in the barn together , they all just , they 're tired it 's , it 's , the party 's gone on into the wee hours of the morning , and there they just , they do n't bother going home , they lie down there in the barn together all of them and she says to Ruth what you must do according to the custom is , you go and you lie at the feet of Boaz and wait , just wait , and wait for him to respond to you .
15 And she says they you know what I mean , they had a great they really had a good laugh .
16 I 've spoken to Helen Wright at WEDGE and she thought what we are planning to put on tape would meet the needs of her clients with learning disabilities i.e. to ask someone to help them write or phone if they ca n't do it themselves .
17 He looked at her sharply and she realized what she 'd said , but met his gaze determined not to go back on the promise to herself .
18 He admired her enormously and she did what he wanted to do — went into the really serious theatre while he stayed the same . ’
19 Or I 'm responsible for erm and she did what she did rather than saying I 'm the indoor sales exec or the the account handler or the telesales person who is or
20 sir , that 's my baby to get her going , and she did whatever I wanted . ’
21 She hated him and she hated what he was capable of doing to her , but her hate was n't enough to stop herself from feeling the forbidden pleasure of his hands on her body .
22 She 's not a fool , and she knows what she 's dealing with . ’
23 She stood there , staring , immobile at first , before the riot of flesh and lights and people and advertisements , and she wondered what it was that she was supposed to fear , because she could not truly fear anything , in such well-lit company : and she wondered why she was not afraid , when they had all told her , all of them , the Party Organizer and Janice and her upbringing , that she ought to fear .
24 She thought of the jokes they 'd shared , bundled up chastely in her bed , and she wondered what it would have been like if they had made love .
25 He was carrying something , a parcel , and she wondered what it was .
26 The warm weight was a comfort and a delight , and she wondered what he would say if he knew .
27 ‘ But then … ’ he paused and she wondered what he was going to say ‘ … she always looks nice . ’
28 Kattina was anything but tidy , and she found what she was looking for under a pile of underwear .
29 A quick anxious look behind her and she found what she was looking for .
30 As she brings up one I 've got another one to throw and she drops what she 's got .
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