Example sentences of "and she [vb mod] not [verb] " in BNC.

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1 But she was feeling guilty : she had not given and she would not give Miss Danziger Fru Gertlinger 's note .
2 No , she would enjoy this evening , she would let André entertain and amuse her , and she would not give in to useless introspection .
3 She was n't sure but she would take no chances and she would not drink with Miss Pennycott .
4 She was still tingling with pleasure and her cheeks burned when she realised that if he came back he could just take up where he had left off and she would not do a thing to stop him .
5 Loving does not cancel out such bad manners or excuse them , and she would not think so either … .
6 How : ‘ One woman went to prison and she would not eat anything so , to open her mouth , they broke her teeth and put something down her throat . ’
7 She would not scream and she would not panic .
8 Now was the time to tell him who and what she was , but she could not spoil this magic moment ; it was McAllister he loved , not Sally-Anne Tunstall , and she would not ruin her perfect afternoon .
9 She would be quick and quiet and efficient and she would not miss a one .
10 And she would not go walking with him again and she would not be alone with him if she could help it and she would freeze him with a look when he tried to talk to her .
11 The answer to that she did not yet know , but she had her own answer already sworn , and she would not go back on it .
12 There were no roots prepared for her here and she would not come again to search if she left now .
13 She had not replied to any of his earlier messages , and she would not respond to this one .
14 Well , but the child had been good and she would not deprive her of saying to her friends on Monday ‘ I went to the fair ’ .
15 In the Spanish sunlight his skin looked darker , more deeply tanned , and she would not have had to be told about his title .
16 Her hands were actually shaking and she would not have believed she could have got herself into this sort of state so quickly .
17 If she had not met the man at that particular moment , she would not have gone out to the highway and she would not have met Flynn .
18 He just would n't come to Rose Cottage again , and she would not know whether ‘ Time ’ had been the culprit , or some long ago and nameless enemy .
19 Even if a taxi service were provided to take his mother it would not help as there were no other Muslim women there and she would not get any stimulation .
20 Pascoe had rejected her , Hunter-Blair was in hiding and she would not see Ayling until Thursday .
21 Clara could not count the times she had heard her mother declare that when she died she would be dead , and she would n't care what happened to her body , and for all site cared they could put her out for the dustman to collect sentiments which from the first had filled Clara with a vague alarm and horror , for they were clearly reasonable enough in their own way .
22 There 's no proof , and … and she 's fond of him and she would n't do anything to hurt him or get him into trouble .
23 There were no answers , or none that she could find , short of calling him back and asking , and she would n't do that .
24 Mrs Stephens , who is considering appealing against the ruling , added : ‘ Helen is a nice quiet girl and she would n't do anything like this . ’
25 If she tried to evict him an undignified struggle would only ensue and she would n't give him the satisfaction .
26 I would have been there the day but I had to go and marry a lass from down here , and she would n't leave her mother .
27 He said he used to live he went out with my cousin and she would n't marry him .
28 She was living hand to mouth and she would n't spare the cash if she could help it .
29 No , she could n't stand it ; and she would n't sleep .
30 The first row the husband stabbed the wife and she would n't make a complaint about it .
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