Example sentences of "and she [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Edith 's in love with her husband but it 's a boring love , nothing exciting ever happens and she probably goes to bingo .
2 But the tumour continued to grow and she finally opted for surgery and chemotherapy .
3 And she finally ends by saying , ‘ All I can look forward to now is the toneless drone of the master 's voice and the pendulum swing of his leg over the desk . ’
4 She responded , but almost as if I was n't there , so I did a few gestures in front of her face — Signalman Flagging Down Runaway Express , sort of thing — and she briefly focused on me and laughed and then went back into her secret nuptial sett .
5 Her face went scarlet and she just stared at him , green eyes wide with the realisation of just how dangerous he was .
6 was getting really cross and was beginning to call the police over she just produced a card and they just throw it and said this means nothing to me , this means nothing to me , cover your head and she just laughed at them and walked away , but he , he pounced on a Filipino girl who was actually wearing jeans , and socks and said her jeans were too short
7 Rose 's mouth dropped open and she just managed to a catch a string of saliva on the back of her wrist before anybody noticed .
8 And she just looked like the typical artist as well .
9 he we wanted to her get off he just ran up to this erm , ladder and she just grabbed onto him , he just pulled it away .
10 like , she 's coloured right , but she 's a bit portly and she just smells to be quite honest !
11 And she just writes over them in , in pen !
12 and you go to her and she just looks at you like , I 'll come , and you go , and you go closer
13 She know that and she just seems to be like a vicious circle all the time , I mean she does n't , I mean just getting deeper , deeper into debt .
14 erm , have a talk and a laugh and she just stops for a coffee after
15 and the other one was erm a mother of two and she said that even when she was younger she was always overweight and she could never sort of go out with anybody nice and she just settled for anybody sort of thing , I felt sorry for her husband , mind you saying this like , cos he looked a bit thick and er
16 Jenny , , she 's worked for Express for three and half months , and she previously worked for A N C , er , on their pallet service in Sheffield and South Yorkshire area .
17 His relations with her were formal and wary , and she clearly looked on painters as a necessary evil for her husband 's livelihood .
18 Theseus and Antiope are finely finished all round ; but the back of Athena is left rough ( an important document for archaic technique ) and she clearly stood in the old formal kore-pose .
19 This girl had not of course been told of the scandal of the boss 's daughter , and she willingly went to the tall cabinet , found the card , read it to Alice who memorised it and ran out .
20 He still finds her extremely beautiful and she practically apologises to Pip for all the suffering that she put him through and tells him that she hopes they will still be friends ‘ apart ’ .
21 She was shivering with fear , yet her lip curled in a snarl , I whispered , ‘ Come , Sorrel ’ , and she immediately ran towards us .
22 She lost weight but nothing was allowed to interfere with her work and she regularly sewed till four or five in the morning .
23 And she even dropped from time to time the odd and flattering hint about the unique nature of her interest .
24 When Val came to me , in October 1989 , she had arthritis in both her hands and feet , her shoulders and neck were in pain and she also suffered from chronic sciatica .
25 She came beside him , and she also stared at me .
26 Since then her work with the band has taken her on a Scottish tour which included the Edinburgh Folk Festival , and she also performs with the four other ladies who make up Belfast 's first close-harmony vocal group ‘ Cuigear Ban ’ .
27 Juliet Chamberlain , who shares the ground floor with her husband , also exhibits local scenes as well as evidence from both parties of the Upton Grey couple 's recent trip to the Far East , and she also has on display a wealth of floral studies in pastel .
28 In 1700 she contributed an ode on the death of John Dryden [ q.v. ] to Luctus Britanici : or the Tears of the British Muses , and she also contributed to The Nine Muses ( 1700 ) , a volume of poems by women in memory of Dryden edited by Mary Delarivière Manley [ q.v. ] , with whom she had an intense but short-lived friendship .
29 Her own health by that time was not of the best and she latterly resided in Dalnair House , Croftamie , where she was well cared for .
30 Infuriatingly he just laughed quietly and she flatly refused to even glance at him again .
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