Example sentences of "and as we [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 And as we went forward , fear was driven out by horror .
2 James Riley , 14 , said : ‘ Then one of us said ‘ No , it 's a baby ’ and as we got nearer we could see it was a little boy .
3 Although I 'm not actually on the Committee of the Bridgenorth Community Centre , I 'm obviously very closely connected with it , and as we 've previously spoken about Age Concern , it is our hope that another day centre for the elderly will be set up once that community centre is up and running , because there are a great deal of elderly in that particular area .
4 ‘ It 's difficult to believe that I 'm still a Musketeer , but I am , and as we 've always told each other everything , I must tell you that although Mummy and Dad do such a lot for me , I 'm Perfectly miserable .
5 And as we drove away , we had n't travelled down the road very far when my wife looked at me in a certain way … and I knew that she wanted Low Birk Hatt as much as me .
6 As this was an art movement which America embraced with unprecedented enthusiasm and unrivalled breadth of vision , and as we specialise so much in American art objects ( we showed at the Modernism Fair in New York last year ) , the theme has provided a vehicle to address the famously discriminating audience of Grosvenor House with objects normally found only in a handful of the most forward looking museums .
7 It was really extremely hazardous , and as we stood there peering vainly into the blanket of fog it did cross my mind that we were all quite crazy .
8 After spending some time there ( as if we were actually present ) we will gradually come back to the present day , and as we do so we will become more reflective and try and push the present away from us — making it strange — by maintaining a certain distance from our immediate history .
9 But the writers of the books of the Bible did n't want us to be put off and as we look closer , it 's easy to see the human touches that the Bible includes all along the way .
10 The definition of a problem , its source and the ‘ needs , that arise from it are frequently established by professionals at an early stage and as we see here the parents , because they lack information and power , may find it very difficult to challenge such assumptions .
11 Sometimes , people can be evil , egoistic , destructive and aggressive , and think only of themselves as we know to our cost , and as we see all around us in the world , from time to time .
12 We are grateful for a flysheet-pitch-first tent in the Tromsdalen campsite and as we work speedily on its erection , the man in the camp reception hut watches us through the windows .
13 At the same time , and as we have already seen , ‘ homophobia ’ is an inadequate term to describe all this since what is at issue is not personal phobia so much as the recurrence in mutated form of structures integral to cultural identity and social formation .
14 And as we have already seen , Halgren 's ( 1974 ) experiment shows that pre-exposure results in retarded conditioning , both when the stimulus is used as a CS+ ( signalling reinforcement ) and when it is used as a CS- .
15 The International Air Transport Association uses movements of currencies against the SDR as a basis for reviewing cargo tariffs , and as we have already noted seven member countries peg their exchange rate to the SDR .
16 And as we have already noted , many male workers , especially in " skilled " occupations , were committed to the notion of a male " family wage " high enough to keep wife and children .
17 The major class of adjectives which fall under this heading is again that of the associatives discussed in Chapter 2 , and as we have already noted these do not appear postnominally ( thus we also have a positive answer to the third question , though there is quite a lot more to add , see Section 3.10 ) : ( 38 ) Two scientists nuclear have joined the staff a hatmaker royal lives in our village ( The Hatmaker Royal , if one existed , would of course , like the Princess Royal , be the holder of an office which has a name calqued on the French once spoken by the English aristocracy , and not one based on the patterns of current English . )
18 They must been seen , their decisions must be seen to reflect the interest and wishes of members currently employed in the section , and as we have always believed industrial and negotiating policy is best made by members at work in the sector who feel the day to day pressures , know what is going on , motion one one one A seeks to ensure that this will happen .
19 Again , like law , punishment and ideas about punishment can serve to mystify and legitimate oppression , but can also afford ‘ an arena for class struggle ’ ; and as we suggested earlier in this chapter , the history of penal thought can be fruitfully viewed in these terms .
20 We climbed aboard the transport and as we moved away in convoy I gazed at Francoise from the back of the truck .
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