Example sentences of "and they [modal v] [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He says the plan will be to open up a number of railway lines and connect local communities and they 'll make good family cycling ; not the steep gradients mountain bikers like , but nice gradients related to the old gradients of the railway lines .
2 But stores like VG say their first duty is to the shoppers and they 'll make sure they keep the campaign in the headlines until they can sell the story themselves .
3 They 've got to go into Europe and they 'll get involved in domestic cup competition .
4 I tell her to stick it out and they 'll get used to it .
5 Oh , I 'll have to see wh she 's going to ring me this afternoon and say whether they can do it in the S C R. I 'm gon na try and persuade her that they can , because there are only forty people at this dinner and they 'll look stupid in the middle of the dining hall .
6 And they 'll have great difficulty telling your voice and mine apart wo n't they ?
7 And they 'll have powerful underwater torches .
8 And they 'll dry nice but I think you 'd need to put a stiff wire in them now while they 're st you know young .
9 When they open an account they 'll receive a free account opening pack and , if they are over seven , they 'll also become members of the Barclays Supersavers Club and they 'll receive regular copies of the club magazine .
10 Thus , questions might feature as little more than conversational or rhetorical devices ; they might be more token than genuine ; they might be predominantly closed ; and they might lack cognitive challenge .
11 You do their work , and they shall have good luck .
12 Of course , the electorate may not be fools , and they may pass rough judgements at the polls about which party may govern " better " in the future in the light of past performance and potential promise , but there is little point in our pretending that we can " explain " voting behaviour on the basis of the electoral appeal of party programmes even though this is the way politicians and the media often tend to present the essence of electoral politics and party choice .
13 The taste of food may be aversive and they may feel nauseous every time they eat , for example those with renal failure and a variety of metabolic problems or allergic reactions may experience this .
14 Everything eaten turns to wind and they may feel full and distended after only a very few mouthfuls with momentary relief ( > ) from belching .
15 There are many risks associated with countertrade deals and they may require considerable flexibility on the part of the exporter .
16 For example , predators are important causes of mortality of small mammals , and they may accumulate large assemblages of small mammal remains , but their prey reflects the particular needs and hunting behaviour of the predator rather than being representative of any one habitat .
17 And they may provide financial help towards the cost of an increased mortgage resulting from a move from an area of low cost housing to one where prices are considerably higher .
18 Often , an audience member who is insecure about his or her status ( and they may enjoy high overt status ) will demonstrate the need to get that status acknowledged .
19 They frequently work within structures of insecurity — their jobs are unskilled , poorly paid and often part-time ; they have few fringe benefits ; and they may work unsocial hours in poor working conditions , lacking the security of trade unions or protective legislation ( see Susan Lonsdale 's chapter in this volume ) .
20 Nevertheless , the durability of these politically negotiated relationships is uncertain and they may prove fragile in the face of competing development pressures .
21 The losses are blamed on the lack of research cash and the need to reorganise , but union leaders says the cuts are cosmetic and unnecessary and they may consider industrial action .
22 And they would face certain disaster if the treasury goes ahead with plans to cut 270 million pounds from it 's overseas aid budget .
23 When they were wet from rain or swimming in the oceans , the light might catch on some deep oil in them and they would glimmer shadowy rainbows of colour , like oil spills on a road .
24 On the nights that Maura saw Terry , Margaret would come to the house and they would get ready there as if they were going out together .
25 During take-offs and landings , some Flying Control personnel would occupy a caravan placed near the start of the runway being used , and they would fire green or red flares to let the aircraft know if they were cleared to land or take-off , and on this occasion one of the men was very quick off the mark , saw the crash and was immediately on the spot , helping the crew to get out of the burning aircraft .
26 And they would stretch tall and proud to the sun .
27 A day 's work still to do before the Sabbath and they would have sore heads in the morning .
28 er , first of all I would put it to my divisional board to my colleagues to ask for their thoughts and their advice erm , if they rejected it then it would n't go any further , if they approved it then it , because it was a budgetary item rather than just we can go out and spend it tomorrow , it was going into the following years budget , it would then go to the P L C board and they would have final say in whether that element should go into the , into next years budget
29 And they would have Gaelic .
30 At the end of the month I crept back round to John D.Wood to explain that the ninety pounds would not be forthcoming and they should feel free to place the property back on the market .
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