Example sentences of "and they [verb] [to-vb] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He said : ‘ The situation was explained to them and they agreed to take part .
2 ( Described by her adoring husband early in their marriage ) ‘ Her eyes seemed bigger to him , especially when she was just waking up and fluttered her lids several times in succession ; they were black when she was in shadow and dark blue in full daylight ; and they seemed to contain layer upon layer of colours , which were thicker in hue deep down , and became lighter towards the enamel-like surface . ’
3 Interestingly , when Honda 's pre-eminence was threatened by other Japanese companies and they began to lose market share , their instant reaction was to increase the rate of innovation .
4 At what point McAllister 's fears finally disappeared beneath his loving patience , and they began to make love in earnest , neither of them could have said .
5 And they come to buy mining equipment , pumps and pies and engines to extract gold bearing gravel form the rivers and streams .
6 The strong cross-wind was now more in Town 's favour and they managed to keep play in Cranleigh 's half for long periods .
7 They have envied the power which violence has seemed to confer on the republican community , and they hope to draw attention to their alienation , too .
8 ‘ Girls come up against an obstacle or two , maybe on tour , and they tend to give way instead of trying to overcome them . ’
9 ‘ Girls come up against an obstacle or two , maybe on tour , and they tend to give way instead of trying to overcome them . ’
10 Last night I sat up last night to watch that George Foreman fight and they had to put football on before it and I fell asleep and I missed the bloody fight !
11 And they had to import hay and straw and goodness knows what .
12 When they eventually became man and wife , it was the ‘ quietest of quiet weddings ’ and they had to pay half-a-crown for two passers-by to act as witnesses .
13 They failed to invest and invest efficiently on a large enough scale ; they failed to develop sufficient numbers of new products and they failed to raise productivity rapidly enough .
14 They have directors , sales directors and shareholders , and they broadcast to make money .
15 The warm familiarity was back , and they appeared to find pleasure and amusement in each other 's company .
16 And they need to do traffic .
17 There 's this lot of weird aliens called the Sproati and they decide to invade Earth "
18 In this sense entrepreneurs inside a corporation are just like entrepreneurs outside : They have to find bankers , people who will provide the funds ; they have to find information sources ; and they have to find legitimacy and support , people who will champion the project to other powerholders .
19 He was interrupted by a polite cough that came from the doorway , and they turned to see Ling , who had arrived in time to hear Silas 's last words .
20 Fraud squad officers have been called in , and they want to examine bank records .
21 Most of the children want the railway and are prepared to help with the survey , but a few want things to remain as they are , and they want to organise resistance to the coming of the railway .
22 Ninth-century users had their own criteria of utility , and they preferred to use oral alongside written communications in most contexts .
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