Example sentences of "and they [verb] [adv] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 Though fascist candidates put forward a strong campaign in the London County Council elections of March 1937 , their six candidates for the three two-member divisions of Bethnal Green North East , Shoreditch and Limehouse were defeated and they received less than 20 per cent of the vote .
2 They 're worth watching and they deserve better than they 're getting , but they 've got to sharpen up in front of goal .
3 Their manpower requirements were planned in detail and they knew exactly when and for how long they needed additional workers .
4 And they knew then where the blood had come from .
5 He never gave an explanation and they knew better than to ask , but they guessed it would be a problem connected with his increasing consumption of drink .
6 They made friends with the families who stayed and who bought milk and eggs from them , and they said more than once how good it was to see the lights on across the river again .
7 That was a thing that come on and they said now when if when god was here and he did a miracle of the loaves and the fishes somebody would turn round and say there was no salt and vinegar .
8 Higher proportions of them enter training as mature students , and they take longer than men to become professional psychologists and to achieve success .
9 Except that the first time round the Indians saw that Firmin survived and they ran away because they were afraid , and the second time round they saw they 'd killed Antonio , which was quite the wrong result for them so they ran away because it had all gone wrong .
10 In ready response , his embrace grew masterful , and they clung together as he kissed her face and neck repeatedly , each time catching her lips with more desire and more breathless pleasure .
11 I ca n't do that I tell you , I mean I do n't mind , do n't get me wrong it 's just that I was the last one back up and I got up there , still got a little bit of to do and they got more than they did
12 Making these uses less energy , and they last longer than the cast iron drains and sewers they replace .
13 And they go there when they retire .
14 Then she held Demian in her arms and they danced together until they dissolved into one another in the storm .
15 They are mostly national associations affiliated to larger organizations , and they perform best when they have definite functions and aims , and are supported by an enthusiastic nucleus of personnel with similar motivation .
16 They did in the first century , and they do still when the Christians come out of their ghettos and chatter the good news in the streets .
17 And they 'creted then As they took the big piece out , they kept pumping concrete and shifting then pumping again .
18 Alice sought out Mary and they watched appreciatively as the two strong , tall , graceful , beautifully built young men whirled each other about , endured two dog falls — draws — and only after several lengthy spasms of athletic tussling arrived at the deciding fall .
19 Unlike most of their colleagues she had fluent English , and they chatted politely as they ate .
20 And that 's what causes tragic failures like Matthew Smith and Augustus John — they 've done the Paris rat and they live ever after in the shadow of Gauguin and Matisse or whoever it may be — just as G.P. says he once lived under the shadow of Braque and suddenly woke up one morning to realize that all he had done for five years was a lie , because it was based on Braque 's eyes and sensibilities and not his own .
21 The Greens had grown only slowly in importance since the 1960s and they won less than 2 per cent of votes in the 1980 election .
22 There was no third present , and they spoke openly as they always spoke together .
23 Everybody 's afraid of him now , and they run away when they see him .
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