Example sentences of "and what they [vb base] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The exploration of what these values are and what they mean has hardly started , but it should become a primary focus of communication ethics .
2 The supermarkets ' muscle enables them to demand quality yet keep farmers ' prices down , and the gap between what they pay and what they charge has widened .
3 I wondered then whether when two people speak together they ever really hear anything but what they say themselves , and what they wish to hear from the other .
4 We er , er , had all these homes , they sprung up , and what they 've decided is , that is n't the way to go forward from here on in , what we 're going to do , er , we 're gon na have what 's called care in the community .
5 He will do all he can to make amends in some small way for the family 's loss and what they 've suffered .
6 It 's the experience of their lives and their lifetime and what they 've done , how they 've managed their lives , that shines through and becomes beautiful .
7 And what they 've done is they 've asked various volunteers , mugs , call them what you will , to be er recorded while they are carrying their out their normal duties .
8 And what they 've got is a legacy from the old days , all those little terraced cottages which never had boundaries at the back .
9 We do n't give out medical advice , cos we 're not qualified for that , but we do sit and listen to them and they talk about different things and what they 've got to go through .
10 What we 've got and what they 've got .
11 Especially mares and what they 've got er , er today .
12 Okay well we 're in a really bad situation , I mean we can achieve something at least and perhaps oh perhaps communism does n't work after all , they just seem to be doubting their own beliefs and what they 've read .
13 Assurance that you are primarily interested in how they feel , what they want , and what they want to do is important in this respect .
14 Pierre 's hands are there and what they want to do , and the storm , but not Maria 's jealousy .
15 A conflict between what they know is right , and what they want to do .
16 It is very much up to individual groups to decide how long they want to go out , where they want to go and what they want to do , ’ said Mr Nelson .
17 Earlier this month the marine geologists at the survey 's western headquarters in Menlo Park , California , revealed what they discovered during a nine-month cruise last year and what they want to reexamine this year .
18 The free market principle and consumer sovereignty — that viewers and listeners are the best judges of their own interests and what they want to consume — are , therefore , the cornerstones of this particular approach to broadcasting .
19 Others present what they do and what they want to achieve in their first year , for example , putting out an album and going on tour .
20 Who owns which bit of land and what they decide to do with it has always been of critical importance , and our landscape is the result of countless human decisions taken by individuals in the past .
21 The study of black sportsmen and society brings into relief the way in which the youths ' orientations to school and what they expect to achieve from education affect , not segmentally but totally , their attitudes , postures and the way in which they apportion their time and energies .
22 This enables the Bureau to find out at first hand how authorities are tackling the issue and what they need form the centre .
23 Every task has a clear end in view — when they listen to a conversation on the cassette , they know why they are listening and what they need to find out .
24 They may think that they are realistically aware of what they are letting themselves in for and what they need to know about each other 's strengths and weaknesses .
25 Identifying trainees is all about finding out who needs to be trained and what they need to know and if you remember one of ject objectives we had for the course is , was to , so that by the end of the course you will actually develop a system by identifying the trainees because this is sort of hit or miss .
26 I think the first stage process is to decide who needs training and what they need to know .
27 That 's what people like and what they pay to see . ’
28 So , that 's one reason , analytical error , and what they call sampling error .
29 ‘ I have spent the last six months investigating Free People , and what they have asked for constitutes the first stage of their long-term programme . ’
30 So we have lost all hope of communication with them , and thus any prospect of learning from their experience and what they have to say .
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