Example sentences of "and what i would [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I 'd rather take that approach , and what I would suggest is that , wherever possible , teachers should think about involving parents in the kinds of difficulties that the child is having in school , and thereby becomes a team effort rather than parents working one direction and perhaps teachers working in another .
2 And what I would do , have you had your Dieside today ?
3 It 's a contemplative thing and what I would recommend you is go to The Tate and sit in the middle of the Rothgo Room there , which is actually a series of canvasses , as you probably know , of a sort of reddish hue , entirely abstract , and you are surrounded by these in a small , fairly dimly lit room , and spend half an hour there and see perhaps whether they work on you .
4 Patently the present situation is working and therefore that 's part of it and what I would say is that that this additional policy if it is n't necessary because there there is n't any development pressure , then what is its purpose .
5 We are elected by the public to do a job and we should n't be ashamed of the amount of money that we 're paid for it , and what I would say is , that no manifesto in May 's election said we were going to come here and vote for more money for members , nobody put on their leaflets , vote for me and I will raise members allowances by five percent in the coming year , I did n't and I wo n't support that , and you will argue , perhaps some of you that that 's not really what we 're doing , but it look 's like it , does n't it ?
6 ‘ Well , there are and what I would like to propose to you is this , that you allow me to do these tests on you .
7 What I know , and what I would like to tell those who , like me , are involved in the political process , is that we have a responsibility .
8 Erm and what I would like to do , that paper was written by Mr , erm our research officer and perhaps after I 've made one or two general remarks , he could give you the flavour erm of of of the difference as we as we see , if that would be acceptable to you ?
9 Can I say first of all that er I support the general approach which has been adopted by Yorkshire County Council and the the other local authorities in the Greater York area , on the way in which they 've formulated their proposals for the York greenbelt after a fairly long erm and exhausting process , the question to which I want to address my comments first of all is whether the new settlement is an appropriate and justified planning response , and what I would like to do if I may is look at some of the reasons that have been raised erm in objection to the new settlement as a strategy , erm these issues have been raised by Hambledon District , York City Council , the C P R E , Montague Evans , in their written submissions to the examination of the .
10 And what I would like to ask in in this environmental age that we live in , for a benefit to the people on the A sixty one , for a vehicle every four point eight seconds instead of every three point five seconds , using your own figures , how can you justify and quantify the cost of the environmental damage that will be done to what is regarded as the finest visual attractive side of Harrogate .
11 And what I would like us to do is to be able when we leave here tomorrow , to say that by what we 've learned about one another , and by what we 've actually decided , that we can probably improve what we 're doing by something between five and ten percent .
12 I knew that when at last I was demobilised from the Waaf I would have to return to my peacetime occupation as a secretary in London , for the simple reason that my employers had been paying me my full salary all the time I had been in the Forces , that is , making up the difference between my Waaf pay and what I would have been earning with them .
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