Example sentences of "and he [verb] [verb] with " in BNC.

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1 I had an old camping van that I lived in during tournaments , and he chose to go with me in it for a meal in Chinatown in Liverpool .
2 Colin Mcrae says his break pipe broke and he finished driving with no breaks .
3 And so Jesus seeks this woman out because he loves her , and he seeks to communicate with you and with me , because he loves us !
4 The Coroner 's inquest had been held in Southwold the previous day and he had attended with Evelyn .
5 How many times had my heart sunk when I asked if we could go somewhere or try something new in our poems and he had answered with the excusing phrase ‘ I guess not ’ ?
6 now against an apple tree and I asking him I was it permissible to go scrumping and he had to converse with the maid I think
7 His patients were mainly Merseyside dockers and shipyard workers , and seamen injured at sea , and he had to deal with many severe accident cases .
8 Ben could think of better ways of spending his free day — a round of golf — even doing the garden — but according to Louise , and he had to agree with her , you did n't ditch a friend because a friend ditched you .
9 They met outside the Social Services and he had pleaded with her to return to him and their home in Oxford .
10 Creeping little bastards in the hair of his head and his stomach , and he had gouged with his fingernails at the flesh under his clothes .
11 Stravinsky had for some years been his favourite composer , and he had worked with Hanns on ideas for the setting and costumes .
12 He wore his one good suit , grey with a white chalk stripe , and he had brought with him Lyn 's birthday present in an unwieldy brown paper parcel .
13 He had dealt with everything when her mother died and he had dealt with it competently and in a kindly manner , but , left to herself , she would have gone to Glyn .
14 His name was Sir Humphrey Agnew , and he had consorted with a witch hereabouts .
15 He had watched her cast aside her thin robe , and he had smiled with such infinite love and such intimacy , that pain had twisted through her from breast to womb .
16 All she had done this morning was suggest that she bathe his wound again before they started out , and he had refused with a complete lack of gratitude or even common courtesy .
17 He is a small businessman and he likes to deal with small bankers .
18 Violins were playing a Strauss waltz , and he began to dance with her , making her bend and sway to his direction , dominating every move she made .
19 His foot twitched under the table and he began to play with his spoon again .
20 Then , abruptly , his gaze lowered , and he began to fiddle with a knife .
21 This was because Jakali 's husband 's ploughing bull had died and he 'd pleaded with Kalchu to lend him one of his .
22 Campion had unhooked the mike for the multi-channel radio from under the dash , but he was n't speaking ; base desk was giving out a priority call and he 'd stopped with the mike on his knee and the coiled flex hanging loosely .
23 ‘ But after trying the door I turned round and he 'd disappeared with my bag . ’
24 They had been told the main point — that Tildesley would make a profit for his ‘ warehousing ’ operation ( only fair , Le Roux claimed , since Tildesley took risks in buying the company , including the very real risk that Norton might never have raised the funds and he 'd stuck with FUS ) .
25 According to Noorda , Novell also feels it has a role to play in unifying the industry ; currently there are ‘ too many Unixes ’ says Noorda , and he hopes to work with Novell 's OEM customers in both joint marketing efforts of the current Unix Labs software line and development of specific hardware to work with new products .
26 It was a time when he was immensely drawn to panache , and he felt done with the prim and the hangdog for good .
27 And he kept roaring with laughter all the way through the set — well , what we managed to do of it .
28 And this Mr he was , he used to c he well he was collec calling f with Mr and he kept calling with me the same so I used to order my bulk in October to come in for Christmas goods .
29 He had a special sympathy for the underdog , and he enjoyed hobnobbing with all and sundry .
30 The the father would be on the boat , and the son would , as a young boy , would come to meet the workers that came back and he begins to help with the ropes and the winching up of the boat and the washing down , and so on , of the boat after she 's been on service , and so on .
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