Example sentences of "and you [vb base] [prep] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 You see , when you 're an Arab and you fight for your country , you are a terrorist , when you are a Jew , and I 'm not anti-Jewish , I 'm anti-Zionist , you are a freedom fighter .
2 Are you looking for the interaction where you learn something about the culture from talking to the people or do you want minimal interaction where simply you visit a place , and you stay in your little bubble or ghetto with people of your own tour company , you do everything together and you never come into contact with local people .
3 And you know for your dinner
4 beauty products , if you want to spend fifty pence or a pound on something and , and you know from your high street chemist or your going to spend seventy pounds on the same sort of cream , that 's up to you if you , if it makes you feel good , go for it .
5 walking you will continue to support the Anti-Apartheid Movement and the A N C and Cosatu and others in South Africa that our eyes should be on the prize and that is to get democracy and the first democratic parliament in the country and after that to help in the horrendously difficult task of reconstruction and development and it is going to be a tough battle in South Africa as elsewhere and we will need to work not just for political democracy because you know so often democratic processes are misunderstood for empowerment of ordinary people and what democracy should really mean is that ordinary people have the opportunity to determine their own destiny and you know from your own advanced society and others how little power individuals have as a result of power of finance capital , of industry and of technology now .
6 and you step on their foot by mistake and they
7 Time to project ten years ahead ; it is the year 2000 and you step into your VR room .
8 First you mix the dough , then you pat it into shape , like a figure in a Nativity crib , with all his fingers , and little fingernails , you make them with a toothpick , and his face , not forgetting ears and nostrils and eyebrows , and you put in his navel , making a little indentation , and you roll some dough for his thingamajig . ’
9 James Bond fantasies , you know , when things just appear and you 're just sophisticated and your hair 's in a flip and you look great and you get on your private jet .
10 You turn off your water and you turn off your electric .
11 and you turn to your left .
12 And you speak of my sins ! ’
13 But you listen to Richard and you listen to his sister and hear the difference and they 're both from the same place .
14 BRIGHTON Mark Steel is a comic who should be returned to at irregular intervals : see him too often ( and he is all over London ) and you tire of his south London patter , but go back to his schoolroom lesson after a break from the circuit , or see him off his home patch and you 'll enjoy an exercise bookful of character face-pulling , energetic storytelling and witty , like-it-is observations .
15 ‘ John , you 're not trying ! ’ and you look at your feet in the mirror , ugly , unable to do the things which you want them to do , or see your body collapse in the middle when you know that it should be firm and rigid — and see them all , even the children , doing something , following what you can not follow .
16 is erm , well you do it , you 've got one Joker in pack right , and you mix them up and you deal them out and you look at your cards , if you 've got a Joker
17 - British Rail issue a new timetable and you have a nasty suspicion that they have juggled it around so that they have deleted a few trains and cut out that convenient late night one , and you look for your old timetable to check but it has gone with the wind .
18 And you look like my mum .
19 And you negotiate in your personal life — time and time again .
20 and you think of our country here in England
21 And you pay for your er your medical expenses and things but it 's cheaper .
22 What I want to say now is that you are my mum and you feel like my mum again .
23 See all the houses on your shortlist first , consider them all carefully , go through the checklist again , and then if one of them seems suitable and you feel in your bones that you would like it , then make a further appointment to view it again .
24 Cos I have n't said that my MP can have a pay rise , and as I vote for my M P , and you vote for your M P , they have to ask us first as far as I 'm concerned .
25 And you want into his knickers , ’ he added a little laugh to put Gerry at ease .
26 Erm , first time , I think of some other things that would erm , would be considered in the light of influencing erm , got the power structure , it was important , approach and and you talk to your manager
27 And again you leave it standing a certain time and you pour off your whey and take your curd in to a muslin and er hang it up and again more whey 'll drain off cos it 's hanging up .
28 I put out a hand to grasp you , and you slip through my fingers like the quicksilver cascade of a waterfall .
29 And so you go back and you say to your brother I just can not give this , it 's impossible you see , well should we be like that ?
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