Example sentences of "and you [verb] [adv] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Steve mentioned , you know , to put fifteen , twenty pounds a month into it erm and you said well we 'll come back to that later which I think on the face of it is probably er a right way of going about it cos you did n't get interrupted at that stage talking about a specific product so I think that was er that was good .
2 And you said afterwards you did n't like it .
3 you know you had high standards and you knew where you were aiming for and that 's what I want my kids to go through as well , you know , somebody who 's gon na do their best
4 and you 've basically I think the mistake you made basically was
5 And the ones closer erm down inbet when , from the and you go up you go up in between the and er and er
6 Everything , I mean if you go in the afternoon and you go early you can have a lovely dinner for fifty P
7 You turn right and you go down it and you 'll see a sign for Lower Thornton .
8 And if I stayed th this side , and you went across he 'd stay with me ?
9 So that created a problem and we then found that a number of people were leaving Brothers to seek their fortunes elsewhere because the work that they liked to work on and you know traditionally they 'd been on it for years , er was no longer there and er subsequently there was a slip in the numbers employed .
10 And you know why we 're here as well as I do .
11 We have a lot of privacies , and a lot of things until we change them , and you know why we changed it , because you went out and saw your clients and told them products and they reported you , and you came back and said but what about this , what about this ?
12 I hear what you say , and you know why I 'm not going to debate that with you again today .
13 Well you know it 's a bit difficult and you know why it 's difficult
14 And you know where it went .
15 And you know where he got it from , do n't you ? ’
16 and you know where you stand with him .
17 ‘ You know when somebody 's got it and you know when somebody has n't , ’ Mr Graham 's argument would always be .
18 You all smell things do n't you , I mean you know when something smells horrible and you know when something smells nice .
19 erm it 's an automatic enhancement and it depends on your actual length of service and you know when you actually apply for the for the infirmity allowance .
20 Erm , and you know when you 've gone wrong in the clarinet .
21 Do you know when you 've gone wrong in the clarinet , and you know when you 've gone wrong with the till .
22 And you know when you start on the inside of wardrobes , you 're drunk when you come out .
23 And you know when you have ordinary conversation when we 're talking or anything
24 Pig iron you know er pig iron was what they had I 've seen them pouring furnaces pouring it onto the pig beds , and you know when I was a kid when we lived in Caldmore from about half past nine at night all across West Bromwich , Wednesbury all over that area , you 'd see the sky light up and it was due to the pouring of er pouring the pig iron .
25 Yeah you know what I 've done , it 's that er thing there well before I had it I used to put them on floor at side of ashtray , and now I leave it on settee and you know when I put me legs up , you know when you move over and watching telly ?
26 My Boss says a man rings in with an upset stomach and you know either he means a hangover or else his brother managed to get him a ticket for Wembley .
27 ’ They 're in here all the time looking through the clothes and you know exactly what 's on their minds .
28 ‘ It 's the most obvious place to find your notes , and you know exactly what you 're looking for .
29 and you know maybe it 's getting easier these days , mm .
30 And you know like we 'll sit down and one take turn from the other .
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