Example sentences of "and that [pron] were [art] " in BNC.

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1 Well he just well he gave us er algebra and geome geometry and maths and that we were no use .
2 Colin MacLeod , chairman and owner of Nottinghamshire-based Caledonian Mining , which competed against the consortium for the pit , said : ‘ There has been far too much in the press about the poor miners being done and that we were the big bad boys coming up to take over .
3 Then reality returned with a rush as she suddenly realised that the music had stopped and that they were the only couple still left on the floor .
4 Judge Rivlin , sentencing Darby , said : ‘ I have no doubt that you were a leading light in the organisation of the first party and that you were the leading light in the second and third parties . ’
5 That he had been down some time , and that there were a Nest of them at Alfoxden House who were protected by a Mr Poole a Tanner of this Town . ’
6 I told him that I thought he was much too gentle in his handling of the miners and the owners , and especially the latter , and that there were a lot of things he ought to have said .
7 Pleased , that is , until I discovered that I had forgotten to bring the tea bags — the subsequent ‘ Well , why did n't you bring them then 's , ‘ Why is it always my fault 's reminded me of the Quentin Crisp line that marriage was impossible for him because he could not have tolerated an endless succession of mornings when the first words he heard were , ‘ And another thing ’ — and that there were no birds .
8 Fairly easy usually indicated that there was no problem provided adequate warning was given about the course and that there were no last minute emergencies .
9 Despite our firm statements to the effect that the list was purely illustrative and that there were no doubt omissions , media attention centred on this list to the detriment of the other , more important recommendations in the Report .
10 It was announced that despite the signing of the peace agreement between the government and the Communist Party of Malaya ( CPM ) on Dec. 2 , 1989 [ see p. 37124 ] , the Internal Security Act ( ISA ) would continue to be enforced for the time being and that there were no plans to legalize the CPM as a political party .
11 The Lord Advocate of Scotland and the head of the Scottish police team investigating the bombing said on Dec. 15 , 1989 , that they were not near to making arrests and that there were no immediate plans to request Talb 's extradition .
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