Example sentences of "and that [pron] 's [adv] " in BNC.

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1 If you 've still got that cough and that it 's just
2 I think it 's vital that any animal we hold in captivity , wild or otherwise is looked after properly and that it 's well done and for that you need help and guidance and you also need minimum standards to ensure it 's done well .
3 But they are taking the view that they will only provide the service equipment , that 's the cabling and the installation and what have you , but not the cameras and that it 's again up to the Police Authority to provide the cameras .
4 I consider that I B M strives to be a good employer and that it 's long established belief in respect for the individual has shaped our personal policies to reflect these needs within our community , and for example , our equal opportunity principles prevent us from considering race , colour or sex , when offering someone employment or promotion .
5 So Madam I 'm asking you to say that these circumstances , this is the sort of case that should never have come before the court , it should 've been sorted out between the parties themselves , with the aid of their solicitors , and that it 's only the overreaction of the police in this particular circumstance that brings him before the court here .
6 Scientists have unravelled how it works inside a cancerous tumour … . it sits in the membrane of the cell … using computer graphics , researchers know what P-glycoprotein looks like , and that it 's more common in cancer cells .
7 And that it 's very disorganised and you never know where you are regarding rooms .
8 ‘ I think it 's a nasty job and that it 's very degrading , but it 's there . ’
9 and that it 's too far to walk in the mornings and that
10 My dealer says I am doing all the right things and that it 's fairly usual to lose fish with a new tank .
11 ‘ Are you trying to tell me that old Hardiman is Con 's solicitor — and that he 's also acting for our mystery man ?
12 I mean , you and Edward are n't involved emotionally like we are , and he 's not going to get up your nose in the same way and I 'll know where he is and that he 's all right .
13 ‘ She 's delighted we 've got Place and that he 's really banged up .
14 Oh no he knows and that he 's still shy mum .
15 Police believe they 've identified the man who arranged for him to smuggle the drug and that he 's currently carrying out his business abroad .
16 Well I think that we have shown that we 're prepared to support Gorbachev in so far as er peace reform in the Soviet Union , but I think we 've got to look towards our own security in the West and we 've done very well with NATO , with the defensive block NATO over the last 40 years or so , and until we can have cast iron guarantees that Gorbachev is going to be secure and that he 's actually going to carry out his promises we 've got to keep our guard up .
17 When I am tired and think , ‘ I do n't want to do this any more ’ I just tell myself that it might not be here in a few months and that there 's probably a million who would kill to be where I am .
18 Well because the labour in say this country is over productive , this has an awful lot of categories attached to each unit of labour , that 's why labour is very productive , is that you for each unit of labour employed there might be ten units of capital , I E there are chemicals etcetera , the reason why erm this this pressure on the land in say Africa , Africa , even though the density of population was much less and that there 's virtually no capital there , right , so in order to produce the food , you know the labour has to till the soil by hand and spread the seed by hand
19 Is n't it now obvious Mr Speaker that her own personal position on this issue is utterly impossible to justify , and that she 's just plain ‘ frit ’ .
20 Is n't it now obvious Mr Speaker that her own personal position on this issue is utterly impossible to justify , and that she 's just plain ‘ frit ’ .
21 Alamena , Boz 's wife , is making life difficult for her , telling her she 's not to leave the camp and that she 's too free and easy with everyone .
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