Example sentences of "and i [verb] [adv prt] to " in BNC.

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1 and I says , Good afternoon could I speak to the person that does advertising etcetera , and I get through to that particular person , and I said , How would you like to save money by us printing all your portfolios free of charge high quality er portfolios it would n't cost you a penny .
2 What we are saying there are other emergencies and I get down to the word loneliness now is there any reason why senior citizens should n't have the facility whereby they can make telephone calls if those , they so desire , to members of the family who in many instances they have n't seen for long periods of time ?
3 And I looked up to the air and saw the air in amazement .
4 Corporal Vigno held an African baby in one photo , and I looked over to where he was talking with Corporal Auriega .
5 Then I see a policeman and I go over to him .
6 ‘ Sergeant Jennings here will make some tea , then she 'll stay with you while Mr Morgan and I go over to the stables .
7 A sergeant appears from what a plate beside the door indicates is the dentist 's and I go up to him and tell him my name and that I 've been told to report my movements by Detective Inspector McDunn .
8 but as soon as he start , get ready , go , and I go up to Lisa 's and .
9 ‘ So , in the meantime — ’ it was almost as though he 'd read her mind ! ‘ — I suggest that you and I go back to the party .
10 A love song on the crackly Holiday Inn radio which the maid always switches on as her final flourish after she 's done the room ( Hugo and I go down to the pool and swim and use the sauna while we wait for her to finish ) or a pop song on the telly as Hugo and I eat our continental breakfast ( orange juice , coffee , a croissant and a Danish each ) , too languid even to stretch out for the remote control and switch it off — will make tears come to my eyes : move me with the desire to say , You do love me , do n't you !
11 Cos that really got up , up my back when the , I mean tho ai n't a ba , bad bunch of old boys but I normally go down but they they clear and once we 've done our work before dinner break they all clear off and I go down to the and then I sort of walk back more or less behind them you know , to the break like and as I go past the club , I go and wash my hands , they go straight in , I go and wash my hands and I walk past the and er we should go to dinner at quarter to twelve and I go past , it 's one minute past quarter to twelve so cos when we go in there you see quarter past twelve due to go back I always give them two or three minutes and I say that 's it , that 's , ah we was late coming in , I said no you were n't !
12 Valerie 's got some wee ‘ do ’ on tonight and I popped over to Hyndland Road this morning because she was short of ramekins for her starters and the wee souls were all over Gran with their Selection Boxes , honestly any more would sicken me .
13 And I popped out to the shop on Sunday the second of November and came back totally and utterly bemused to see them putting a christmas tree up and father christmas in the window and fairy lights all over the place .
14 So once each month from June 1980 until June 1981 , Marlies and I rushed out to Heathrow Airport early Friday afternoon , flew to North America ( Toronto , Washington DC , Los Angeles , Virginia Beach , etc ) and worked in committee through Saturday .
15 As soon as I had finished speaking , the small emergency wireless station was dismantled , and I rushed back to my two sergeants to get ready to leave .
16 I was getting forty and I got up to ninety four .
17 Anyway , Mr Middleditch came through once more and I got through to Lisabeth on Stuart Street .
18 Doug Wimbish started playing harmonics on that funny Guild bass ( the rubber-stringed Ashbory model — Ed ) and I got down to a really quiet moment , and suddenly Phil just surprised the hell out of us with this keyboard patch !
19 Aye er the when I was I got better and I got down to and there was a fella come to look and see me .
20 He said , Let's get in here and we got in , he got into one bunk at one side and I got in to t other .
21 He is a forestry expert and has a small stud as a hobby , so now the stables are being used again and I wake up to the clop-clop of horses ' hooves on the cobbles in the morning .
22 But she opened the door just like I wanted and I shot through to the living room only to encounter more men in dark clothes , too many for me to tolerate .
23 At the last , slightly shorter if I remember , it had been a 3- or a 4-iron for the second shot and I thought back to 1958 and the fourth at Lytham , But this rime the boss and I agreed on the 3-iron .
24 Probably just checking to see we were O.K. Now it all made sense and I thought back to all the others who had suddenly stopped visiting : Cathy , Victoria , Jean .
25 She turned and went back towards her house , and I walked on to Baskerville Hall .
26 On one side was the flower-garden view ; on the other , one window had been bricked up at the time when windows were taxed , and I walked over to the remaining window .
27 I gave him a pound coin and promised him another if he did his stuff and I walked over to Mrs Newton 's front door .
28 The man moved away , in surprise , and I walked over to the desk .
29 In a police statement Conley , of Park End , said : ‘ I saw Wayne by the fence and I walked over to him .
30 In fact , on all the windows wired up now , and I walked up to him , and I just said , would you like to give to me , son , and he turned round and looked at me , and to my great surprise he gave it to me .
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