Example sentences of "and was [verb] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 One of the mothers said she felt quite sorry for the police officers involved and was tempted to offer them warm drinks to keep out the cold !
2 ‘ Soliciting … she was known to have men at her house and was seen to stop them in the street .
3 The reference to the tent meant either that ‘ John Parsons ’ had written it , and was hoping to see me around , or that they had teamed up on a declared truce .
4 Spennymoor impresario John Wray met Angie last summer and was inspired to book her for several tours of the North-East .
5 Helen believed unshakeably in his genius and was determined to enable him to realize his potential as a writer — a poet , like Shelley , she believed at this rime — without sacrificing her own strong desire for freedom of independent action , untrammelled by the stuffy conventions of the elders she suspected of hypocrisy .
6 I had come this far and was determined to make it to France .
7 He still believed she was a thief , and was determined to prove it .
8 ’ Sophie had seized eagerly on this possible lead and was determined to follow it , nose to the ground .
9 He had control of Shakespeare 's ‘ time ’ and was determined to milk it for every ounce of potential profit .
10 She herself had been named as wearing a white robe — and was asked had she ever done so .
11 I did n't have to wait long : another soldier passed and was asked to accompany me .
12 She did not have the New England style of the others , and was made to feel it strongly .
13 I had identified a need and was aiming to satisfy it .
14 A man , a large man , was beating a woman , a little woman who seemed scarcely more than a child , and was trying to drag her into one of the tenements which lined the opposite side of the road .
15 By June she no longer wanted the relationship to continue and was trying to avoid him .
16 We may take the ambiguity to imply that Wordsworth was unwilling to admit that the visionary gleam was entirely self-deception , and was trying to have it both ways .
17 Mary loved Dickon 's Yorkshire dialect and was trying to learn it herself .
18 Pointy-Beard was somewhere underneath me and was trying to roll me out from under Armstrong .
19 She had grabbed his hand and his cane firmly in her hands and was trying to pull him back through the water .
20 It was as though something had got hold of her feet and was trying to pull them .
21 Coughlin says Spiro contacted Waite at his office in Lambeth Palace in August , 1985 , and was invited to visit him .
22 It was very strange , almost as if it had been timed to happen , but the social worker came and was set to take you away .
23 For a moment , Implexion thought she meant their affair and was attempting to push it into the realms of firm commitment .
24 He saw that a tall young man , dressed in the uniform of a lower-class masher — check trousers , brown bowler , shiny brown boots , and huge moustache — had a girl pinned against the wall of one of the office buildings , and was attempting to kiss her — or worse .
25 ‘ Look at that guy in England who raped the girl and was told to pay her £500 for a holiday .
26 At around 4.45am , Mark rang the hospital and was told to bring me in when I was in pain .
27 To check his wandering thoughts he started to ask her to resume her labours elsewhere and finish the surgery when he had completed his own tasks in it — Only to find that she was hopping gently from foot to foot , and was bursting to ask him a question .
28 Umpire Frank Lee called him on 11 occasions for throwing in England 's only innings and , after the home side had wrapped up the game early , he was again called , in the exhibition match which followed , by the other umpire , Syd Buller , and was forced to complete his only over underarm .
29 The hawk was sacred to her , and was used to depict her symbolically in art .
30 She turned to find that a tall black-haired man , slimly built except for wide shoulders , had entered silently and was standing watching her .
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