Example sentences of "and it is [vb pp] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Its real purpose though — which the editor guessed ( oh yes ? ) — is for strengthening ankles , and it is called a wobble board .
2 BA technical experts have already carried out an inspection and it is believed the east Belfast airport is upgrading facilities to deal with an extra 100,000 passengers next year .
3 They will be open to the public from the end of 1993 , and it is hoped the local farming community will benefit from demonstrations at the farms .
4 The last time such powers were used was to keep hippies away from Stonehenge and it is hoped the move will deter travellers from trying to camp at Castlemorton again .
5 The unit is to return to Darlington next year for further checks and it is hoped the scheme will be extended to younger women in the future .
6 There is a consideration on one side , and it is said the consideration on the other is the agreement itself : if that were so there could never be a nudum pactum .
7 The princess , looking tanned and relaxed , led her sons into a waiting minibus when the party arrived in London and it is expected the boys will join their father this weekend .
8 The news of her latest pregnancy was broken in November , and it is expected the new baby will make a public debut on her Good Morning BBC1 programme , perhaps next week .
9 ( 3 ) Even if the nature of these qualities of pleasure and pain are themselves unproblematic , it is said that what people want ( or want to avoid ) is not necessarily any kind of private experience , but just as often objective states of affairs in the public world , and it is thought no less reasonable to take account of wants of this sort than those for private experiences .
10 And it is thought the boss did a ‘ Paddy Ashdown ’ by coming clean before the affair was revealed in a newspaper .
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