Example sentences of "and it is [adj] [Wh det] " in BNC.

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1 There was nothing inevitable or god given about this unequal distribution , and it is that which produced the impersonal free labour market and the exploitation .
2 ‘ Isa has not seen me since the happy news and it is that which restores me to near my old self . ’
3 Resiting the aquarium to a warm living room will cut this cost by anything up to 50% because the heater will only operate briefly and it is that which is the main user of power .
4 God in Christ , through taking on a particular instance of humanity , shares with all human beings the universal , humanity , and it is that which is of significance , even though he may have different particularities from some other individuals .
5 Pericles , no less than Kleon , was proof that knowledge , even or especially routine knowledge , is power , and it is that which makes Pericles the greatest demagogue of them all .
6 But erm er I I I I really feel very strongly about this that we all know that democracy does n't just consist of electing a a national parliament once in five years , we all know the strength of democracy comprises that where the complex of local institutions of local bodies made up of people serving in different ways , not necessarily elected , that is what comprises democracy and it is that which is being undermined again by this measure in this in this Bill and I do say to Your Lordships that for the reasons given by both my Noble Friends er Lord and by , by the Noble Lord , Lord Lord er that there has been no demand for this
7 The Palace awarded Jimmy a Benefit in 1914–15 ( along with Harry Hanger and Bob Spottiswood ) , but unfortunately the designated local derby against Croydon Common had to be deferred until we were playing at Herne Hill , and it is uncertain what arrangements were made on the players ’ behalf .
8 While it is possible that the missionary who baptized in the River Glen was the Briton , Rhun , and that Bede was mistaken when he located Paulinus at Yeavering , the statement about Rhun in the Historia Brittonum , inserted as it is in a somewhat garbled account seemingly extrapolated from the Ecclesiastical History , can not be regarded as undoubtedly signifying this and it is uncertain what weight can be attached to it .
9 Then there are the negative effects , and it is these which have been stressed in the warnings of computer scientists , university doctors , and in the various confessions of ex-hackers .
10 This shaping depends on political and ideological formations and it is these which are responsible for its ‘ consequences ’ too .
11 However , there were syntactic constraints , and it is these which are responsible for the weak link between monitoring latency and target position .
12 Indeed , being a limited company makes an investment trust subject to the relevant Companies Acts and it is these which principally constrain the trusts ' conduct of business .
13 The river was generally utilised to make water defences and it is these which give to the châteaux the picturesque quality which so many possess .
14 This is ‘ up front in consciousness ’ and it is this which determines his answer , in the absence of central control .
15 This continually recurring disharmony Marx attributes to the nature of class relations , and it is this which produces the forward movement of history .
16 And it is this which explains the London Tories ' prolonged , teeth-gritting reluctance to recognise their Ulster colleagues .
17 In Adorno 's aesthetics , the value of the cultural and the aesthetic lies in difference and negation and it is this which is threatened by the commodification of culture .
18 This was the one constraint on the expressions which could be used to set up trusts ; and it is this which explains their unexpected prominence in the discussions of the jurists .
19 A different kind of limitation is set by the third condition and it is this which we will look at now .
20 This great weakness of vulnerability to fragmentation , is to be found in all established religions and it is this which has prevented any of them ever being able to offer to the rest of the world anything even approaching a promise of the universal happiness that is so desired .
21 Unfortunately on these occasions , all too often the prick of conscience , if it has operated at all , is instantly suppressed before it can take control , and it is this which appears to have become the normal response .
22 Its instinct is to root itself in truth , to earth itself in reality , and it is this which distinguishes faith from fantasy , the object of faith from a figment of the imagination .
23 Since the kite has a lift component to enable it to accelerate at certain positions around the hemisphere it also has what is known as an ‘ apparent wind ’ and it is this which sustains the motion within the flight envelope .
24 First , the process , as outlined in the diagram , is a scheme for research as well as for teaching conventionally considered : each is seen as a concomitant of the other , and it is this which provides for the professional development of the teacher .
25 It is impossible to conceive of dialectical materialism without atheism , and it is this which underlies Marxism as an ideology .
26 While English tends to modify by use of adjectives or adverbs , BSL tends to use inflection especially in relation to the verb and it is this which makes its story formation rather different .
27 Understanding the process is of considerable importance however , and it is this which has been focused on here .
28 The key is the understanding of deaf children 's processing of their own language , and it is this which requires our immediate and continued attention .
29 So individualism must regard them as being in some way free from the determining influence of society , and it is this which makes the properties of individuals into a suitable stopping point for explanations .
30 It is this that one is seeking to transmit and show , and it is this which is the key to the wholehearted and free contribution of the individual .
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