Example sentences of "and in [adj] [noun sg] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 In two such incidents , security forces entered the Greek embassy on April 29 and the French embassy on June 10 and in each case arrested and removed unidentified Albanians .
2 In the event I ca n't say that each of these five composers convinced me that he was a natural for the medium , and the Mozartian connections struck me as sometimes effective , occasionally arch and in one case strained beyond breaking point .
3 In all probability , however , Ensign McDonald 's major failing was that he was neither a Fraser nor a Grant , and in that region dominated by family interests , his political connections were insufficient to secure his advancement .
4 The Turks still held Macedonia ( Rumelia ) and in eastern Rumelia exercised authority through a Christian governor , appointed by the sultan ; Turkish troops might be maintained there and forts garrisoned , but the province was officially ruled under ‘ conditions of administrative autonomy ’ .
5 The Goldsmiths deliberated , and in due course authorized the expenditure .
6 In spite of his breakdowns , Hoccleve achieved a position of seniority and in due course retired with a pension .
7 The fragmented appearance of their work , especially its Lettrist phase , their repudiation of conventional skills and scholarly manners ( evidenced in their use of personal insults ) have been absorbed by subcultural milieux and in due course adapted by the culture industries .
8 The Secretary of State was able to influence the drafting of the terms of reference and the composition of the working parties ; yet the working parties necessarily contained a majority of professionals and in due course reported in ways which again the Secretary of State could only partially modify .
9 Further , ‘ there exists considerable uncertainty in the medical and legal professions as to the legality of terminating the use or application of life-sustaining procedures where the patient has voluntarily and in sound mind evidenced a desire that such procedures be withheld or withdrawn . ’
10 This is the essential genius of the man : his private choices and obsessions became emblematic , and in some sense determined our understanding , of the twentieth-century tradition .
11 While I was in Germany I took a special interest in the treatment of creative men and women who had lost direction and in some way broken down .
12 I think er it 's got to be er linked certainly to the rate of inflation , er and in some way linked to the way that the fire service er has their pay formula , and they 're actually linked to 25% of the top 25% of schooled manual workers , er we 'd be looking at some sort of deal like that , or if it was n't er tied up with percentage rates I think we need , definitely need an independent pay review body for the ambulance service .
13 Primary subject syllabuses were reviewed and recast during 1963 by subject panels largely composed of experienced teacher trainers and inspectors , moderated and in some degree co-ordinated by an advisory committee , edited in the Inspectorate and issued in 1965 .
14 ‘ The property of the bankrupt divisible amongst his creditors , and in this Act referred to as the property of the bankrupt , shall not comprise the following particulars . … ’
15 Pound and Rebka were able to scan across the very narrow line profile by varying the source velocity and in this way achieved a large gain in sensitivity for locating the line centre .
16 The lower slopes , smoky purple with heather , incised by green-banked burns , and in this season splashed with the intense russet of dead bracken , rose from the woods surrounding Balmoral .
17 Mainstream nineteenth-century feminism fought for , and in large measure achieved , freedom from legal constraint , but this did nothing to rectify the structural inequalities suffered by women .
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